Take some time to digest this... and know that even breeders do this a long time still don't get it all.
First there are the F or filial codes which tell you how many generations a cat is from the Serval ancestor. F1, F2, F3 and so on. SBT is not a filial code.
Then there are the pedigree registration codes: COP, B3P, SBT, etc. These indicate how many generations of Savannah to Savannah breeding are in the immediate pedigree and also if there are 3 generations of permissible vs. non-permissible outcrosses.
- An A as the first letter means one of the parents is a Savannah and the other is an outcross or other breed.
- B as the first letter means the cat has both Savannah parents.
- C as the first letter means both parents and both sets of grandparents are Savannahs
- SBT means there are 3 generations of Savannah to Savannah on both the Queen and Stud. This is also known as Stud Book Traditional
The 3P means there are permissible outcrosses for 3 generations (Egyptian Mau, Oriental Shorthair, Ocicat). Note this rule does not apply the same to domestic short hair (DSH) which is only 1 generation permissible.
If the P were an N then you would know there are non-permissible outcrosses such as Bengal, Maine Coon or other breeds in the mix.
Hope I presented this logically and that it helps...