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Know what F1-SBT is but what is..


OK so I understand the F1-SBT but I am curious after looking at a breeders site and saw for their studs COP and B3P. What does that mean? Hadn't seen it on other breeders site so maybe just something for them? Also curious to why some males would be listed as SBT while others had say F5 SBT?


Lori Greer

Cahaba Cats
Take some time to digest this... and know that even breeders do this a long time still don't get it all. :)

First there are the F or filial codes which tell you how many generations a cat is from the Serval ancestor. F1, F2, F3 and so on. SBT is not a filial code.

Then there are the pedigree registration codes: COP, B3P, SBT, etc. These indicate how many generations of Savannah to Savannah breeding are in the immediate pedigree and also if there are 3 generations of permissible vs. non-permissible outcrosses.
  • An A as the first letter means one of the parents is a Savannah and the other is an outcross or other breed.
  • B as the first letter means the cat has both Savannah parents.
  • C as the first letter means both parents and both sets of grandparents are Savannahs
  • SBT means there are 3 generations of Savannah to Savannah on both the Queen and Stud. This is also known as Stud Book Traditional
The 3P means there are permissible outcrosses for 3 generations (Egyptian Mau, Oriental Shorthair, Ocicat). Note this rule does not apply the same to domestic short hair (DSH) which is only 1 generation permissible.
If the P were an N then you would know there are non-permissible outcrosses such as Bengal, Maine Coon or other breeds in the mix.
Hope I presented this logically and that it helps...


Staff member
Lori has given you a good explanation (although I'm not sure where she got that DSH is only permissible for one generation). You can also find it explained at the bottom of the FAQ page on the Savannah Breed Section's website: I wonder if part of your confusion is because you are mixing up SBT and BST. SBT is Stud Book Tradition, and as noted above indicates three generations of SV x SV breeding. BST is short for brown spotted tabby.

Most everyone that I know uses both the filial generation and the TICA registration code (B, C, SBT, etc.) but I could see if the Savannahs are many generations removed from the Serval that the filial generation might be dropped - in other words, I don't think we'll be seeing people advertise F12 SBT kittens...


Thank you both! Makes sense. :) I'll never breed but like to know these things. Guess I'm like a cat...curious by nature. hehe My Bengals were my first pedigree cats. But mentioned far enough removed to not list the number just SBT. The Savannah I'm getting is an F4 so got me to trying to understand all the different codes and stuff. You know things to keep be busy while waiting for him to come home. :)
And thanks for the link! Didn't even know of that site. More reading to do now. hehe

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
OK so I understand the F1-SBT but I am curious after looking at a breeders site and saw for their studs COP and B3P. What does that mean? Hadn't seen it on other breeders site so maybe just something for them? Also curious to why some males would be listed as SBT while others had say F5 SBT?

What those sites have done is listed the first three letters of the registration code, so instead of writing F6C as many of us would to denote an F6 male that is C-registered (and hence two generations of Savannah to Savannah breeding), they've put COP which says that the male is C, the O means that there are no unregistered cats in the three generation pedigree and the P means that there are only permissible outcrosses in the three generation pedigree. I wrote an article some time back to explain it all,, it's definitely confusing although once you understand it you will find it logical enough :)

As to why some people list generation and some don''s likely personal preference. If listing studs then if SBT not only must they be F4 (as that would be the minimum generation to be able to have three generations of Savannah to Savannah breeding) but they usually would be F5 or further to be fertile.