Better late than never...sorry everyone! I was supposed to start this review on jan 1, but now it is Feb 1
I have two of these Litter robots and would not trade them for anything...below is a description by the company and then you will see my Pros and Cons...
The Litter Robot is the automatic, self cleaning litter box for cats 'that really works'. When your cat enters the litter chamber (globe) a weight activated sensor detects the presence of your cat. After 7 minutes a clean cycle starts with the slow rotation of the globe in a counter-clockwise direction. The rotation of the globe sifts and separates clumps from the clean litter (clumping litter) and deposits all waste in the large capacity drawer lined with a standard kitchen garbage bag. The globe then returns to its home position with a clean, level bed of litter ready for the next use. The Litter Robot has no rakes or wires to jam, clog, or break. Its simplicity and durable construction ensure a long life of service. The Litter Robot operates on 12VDC and is easy to set up - just add litter to the globe and plug it in.

The Litter Robot is the automatic, self cleaning litter box for cats 'that really works'. When your cat enters the litter chamber (globe) a weight activated sensor detects the presence of your cat. After 7 minutes a clean cycle starts with the slow rotation of the globe in a counter-clockwise direction. The rotation of the globe sifts and separates clumps from the clean litter (clumping litter) and deposits all waste in the large capacity drawer lined with a standard kitchen garbage bag. The globe then returns to its home position with a clean, level bed of litter ready for the next use. The Litter Robot has no rakes or wires to jam, clog, or break. Its simplicity and durable construction ensure a long life of service. The Litter Robot operates on 12VDC and is easy to set up - just add litter to the globe and plug it in.
- Automatic self-cleaning cat-litter box saves time and money
- Patented sifting process cleans litter automatically after each use
- Deposits waste in large-capacity drawer lined with kitchen garbage bag
- Reliable and safe; works without rakes or wires that could jam, clog, or break
- Measures 24 by 22 by 29 inches; 18-month full warranty
- Uses Clumping Litter
- Can be left on or off
- Uses either the company plastic bags for the waste drawer or you can use every day plastic garbage bags
- Cycles about 7 minutes after cat has done its thing
- Saves on scooping 2-3 times a day, which is what I was doing
- Reduces number of litter boxes
- Reduces any type of odor
- Waste drawer comes with a filter
- Easy to clean globe and waste drawer
- Don't need to clean entire globe for months, although I clean it every 2 weeks
- Saves on litter tracking
- Keeps litter clean so helps with problem cats who must poop or pee in a clean litter box
- Awesome customer service
- Free Shipping
- Payment Plan
- Stops rotating when feels the weight of a cat
- Has sensor on base so one can change the sensitivity in case it does not sense cat right away
- All cats are using it, which surprises me
- Can turn off at night if noise bothers you and then turn on in the morning to clean
- Do not need to use bags at all and can just use the plastic waste drawer, but must then soak and clean the waste drawer once/week
- Uses less litter than conventional litter boxes
- 90 Day guarantee - if you don't like it or the cat won't use it, you send it just need to make sure you keep the box it came in.
- 18 mo warranty
- Has an extender for larger cats (this is the one I have) - Litter Robot ll Bubble
- Can be a tad noisy for light sleepers
- Cannot be used with kittens/cats under 5 pounds
- Peeks the interest of kittens/cats who then go and step on it to see what is going on, stopping the cleaning process - it does resume, but sometimes I have to hit the on/off switch..Cinny is famous for stopping the globe rotation
- Needs something to prevent cats from entering the globe while it is rotating, although I have not had an issue with this, it would be nice
- Total smells are not prevented if waste gets in the drawer instead of the plastic bag - cleaning the drawer and wiping it down then eliminates any smell
- if enough litter is not in globe, urine can stick to liner, so be sure to replace litter when it gets low...
- Not for very large cats, although my 16 pound Savannah uses it with no problem