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Losing hair


Savannah Super Cat
So I noticed a couple of days ago that there were small clumps of hair in the bed that Razi lies in, and today I saw that the hair on his rump is so thin that his skin is showing in a couple of spots. There are no parasites, his skin is white and clean and healthy, and his coat is healthy and shiny. Any ideas?

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Keep an eye on him, is he tearing out those clumps or are they falling out? That's really odd... but might require a vet visit to look at that...


Savannah Super Cat
Yes, I'll keep a close watch. Puzzling though. I think he might be over grooming that area.


So I noticed a couple of days ago that there were small clumps of hair in the bed that Razi lies in, and today I saw that the hair on his rump is so thin that his skin is showing in a couple of spots. There are no parasites, his skin is white and clean and healthy, and his coat is healthy and shiny. Any ideas?
Have you changed anything in his diet at all? It could be a food allergy? Keep an eye on as Brigitte suggests. Also, I would preventatively do a flea treatment if you have not already done so.

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
ummm, might want to check with your vet. Suggest checking to see if there is a thyroid problem. Had this happen before.


Staff member
Awww Jacqui, it's upsetting to hear that my not-so-secret crush is having an issue. You mentioned in another discussion that he's on a diet -- perhaps there's a correlation? In any event, we know that you'll do what's necessary to solve the mystery. Head butts to that big handsome lug.


Savannah Super Cat
Thyroid? Good idea. He has gained a LOT of weight recently. He always gains a little in the winter, but this time he gained a lot. I will take him to the vet to get checked. No fleas, and no change in diet.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Was wondering if he was reaching the age where thyroid can happen...that's still a little young but not impossible I guess.