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Major biting/attack Problem in F2.HELP!!

Sanura Exotics

Sanura Exotics Savannah cats
I have an older couple that I know well who currently has an almost 2 year old F2 female.This F2 female isn't skittish.They say she is super social. But if she doesn't get her way or is told NO she attacks them or will bite (draw blood!) If the lady picks up the F2 to remove her from the computer chair this F2 will swipe at them.This F2 loves to play fetch.When the owners stop playing with her she will run up to them and slap them and drop the toy in their lap LOL. They love her dearly and say no matter what they wouldn't give her up for the world.I told them I would ask for some advise.I have NEVER had this problem not even with my F1's. They really want another F2 kitten .My other questions are:Will adding another F2 Savannah make these problems worse or maybe better??They don't want a new kitten to be scared or even worse, injured by their current F2.What can they do to stop this behavior??? Thanks in advance!

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
It's possible that the behavior is due to a lack of a suitable companion for rough-and-tumble play, is this an only cat?


Staff member
They should not stop playing with her abruptly, but do it go from fetch to maybe a wand toy and them slowly let her catch the wand is obvious she is not finished playing and may need a bit more time to wind down...I am practicing this technique with Zuri, who is an F4, but high energy...

Sanura Exotics

Sanura Exotics Savannah cats
Also if she attempts to get her check book out of her purse she gets attacked.Sometimes when she tries to go up steps the cat blocks her. She will attack people who try to sit by her owners.Weirdest crap I have ever heard LOL.


Staff member
Also if she attempts to get her check book out of her purse she gets attacked.Sometimes when she tries to go up steps the cat blocks her. She will attack people who try to sit by her owners.Weirdest crap I have ever heard LOL.

Sounds like she needs company ;)

John Popp

Site Supporter
So often it's such a great honor to be treated like a littermate and other times it's like being the victim of a felon wanting to cause grievous bodily harm. That would be my relationship with Chongo and why he will soon have a new furry companion along with a better idea of his appropriate place in the household.

Pretty much the same track, 15 minutes of "I love you Mom and Dad" followed by an abrupt wanting to rumble. The older cats were taking a lot of that heat before his accident and now being the target of his endless want to play we realized it was way too big of a responsibility to the adults in our household. So soon enough he will have a buddy that will dish out the same as he has subjected us to.


They are for the most part...high energy. One thing that crossed my mind this cat alone for the biggest part of the day? If so...she is probably acting up due to the fact that ....maybe...she does not have enough enrichment while being alone. A bored cat that craves that human contact may at times dispaly this type of behavior when being ignored while in the company of their humans? Remember....only cats at times consider themselves an equal and sometimes get the idea they are the alpha in the relationship. I would suggest watching the body language and at the instant it starts to change(she shows any sign of getting pissy) maybe offer her a toy, treat...etc. just to get her mind off of whatever pushed her button. She may be one of those that does not like to be yelled at and reacts to that. If you already know the things that bring on the bad behavior you can work around it. I would suggest changing up on the fetch game and start offering her treats just after allowing a few fetches. This might help. When you want the computer chair...lure her out with a teaser wand instead of trying to pick her up. This way it is her idea to move;>) Tell them to use sweet talk ....they do say you catch more flies with honey, than vineger. I do believe I would work on this one before adding another to the mix. I would be afraid she would teach a new one her tricks and it does not sound like the owners could hold up under the pressure;>) LOL

Sanura Exotics

Sanura Exotics Savannah cats
They are retired so they are home most of the time. I am hoping adding another would get help.I just dont want MY F2 (if I sell to them) to get hurt :O(