I have to agree with Brigitte. There TRULY is nothing like earning the trust of a very distrustful kitty. One of our cats, our girl Nala was a rescue ( a domestic cat ) that we adopted from the shelter at close to 6 months of age. She was a feral kitten found alone on the street with no family. I had a feeling that she would be a lot of work and a would be a problem and a challenge but my wife Suzie and daughter Sarah forced me to take her along with another (super friendly) cat now called Simba. For the first few weeks she wouldn't come out from under the bed and she was terrified and basically just no fun at all. I could tell that she did
want to be loved and wanted to interact with us but just couldn't bring herself to come near us. I was resigned to the fact that maybe it would be a one-sided relationship and that was ok because I knew what a great life she had with us compared to being locked in that cage in the shelter and the fact that she was a free woman now made me feel really happy for her even though she was unable to offer us any love or companionship in return. So just knowing that we did right by her and changed her life for the better was very comforting. I also imagined how badly this could have ended if someone with less patience had adopted her, so that fact made me sleep better as well. So, lo and behold, two years later, Nala is the queen of our castle, the apple of my eye and SHE truly is a blessing to US and not the other way around. It took a LOT of hard work and patience but it was truly worth it. Every little thing ,every inch of progress was big news at our home!
"Wow, Dad look, Nala came out from under the bed!"
"Hey George, look she's reaching for you, she wants to play!" But then she would pull back and quickly run away. This went on for what seemed like forever! If I had a dollar for every time that someone in my family yelled,"Oh my God, look at Nala!" , I'd be a rich man. We rejoiced in every little bit of progress that she made. Suzie would call me at work to tell me about something that she did for the first time or some new trust that she showed in us! it was SOOO rewarding, encouraging and heartwarming that I really can't put it into words!
So, on and on it went, and it WAS baby steps. She would come out for a few seconds and then hide again, etc . But I observed that as time went by, she was making progress. Sometimes in a race, it's not where you finish on the track that's the most important, but what's most important is where you started that race! And when I look into Nala's eyes now as she
peacefully lays in the sun on her cat lounger, and she looks back at me with all the love and trust in the world I realize that when I thought that
I was such a blessing to
her, I had it all wrong,
SHE is a blessing to me! Sometimes when you just do the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing it all comes back to you in ways that you never imagined!!