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Nail clipping


Savannah Super Cat
I know how to clip a cat's nails but my 15 week old savannah won't yet allow me to hold his paws. Any idea how long it takes for this? Thanks!


Site Supporter
I try to do it when mines sleeping or very groggy but sometimes it takes a whole day to get all his nails. Also I try to gently touch his feet sometimes when playing so that he gets more used to it but it hasn't really helped that much yet. He is 8 months.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
If you are living by yourself, then getting them when sleepy is often a good thing. If you only get one or two claws at a time then just try to remember where you are up to and get another couple next time they nap...

If there is more than one person, often having one restrain the kitten and the other clip is easiest.


Savannah Super Cat
Every time we go to pick him up he hisses and tries to bite so we figured we'd better wait a couple of weeks till he gets more used to us. Is this normal?

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
It depends on the kitten, some really object to being picked up and it does take some time for them to trust you enough to at least tolerate the idea... and you need to slowly work up to holding... start with just picking up (with as little fuss as possible) and immediately put back down. Repeat that many times a day until it means nothing to the kitten, then try holding for a second or two and putting down...they learn that yes you are restraining them but not for long and it doesn't worry them as much.

For clipping claws though, you really want them still so you don't accidentally cut too close and hurt them... so see if your kitten still has the "scruff reflex", this is when you take a scruff of fur behind their neck... this is how mama cat picks them up so they often have the reflex of going limp and relaxing. This can help you hold them still for their nail clipping...

MK Anderson

My one cat hates to have her nails clipped! what I started doing when I realize this is, when she was laying down on or next to me was pet her paws as much as she would allow me. After a while she would just allow me to touch and massage them. It really helped a lot! She will allow me to clip her nails and I allow her to yell at me while I dont it, but nothing ever comes of it, but just yelling at me lol. I allows have treats right there for her too. the other 2 boys are super easy, they dont care at all!


The ragdoll people suggest using clothespins to "scruff" your cat to clip nails. It works for Dante...although I don't need it for Dante...not so much for Duma :-/ Then again, I used binder clips instead of clothespins, so maybe I should try again.

Ah, here it is:



And her brother Crazy !
We gave up! The trauma and scratches were too much. When I get my manicure I get theirs done at the vet too!!