There's another thread discussing this but thought I'd start another one since it's not quite the same issue. I hope Scott Kelly chimes in here.
Louie, the F1 SV is now just past 4 MO and not ready for neutering for a couple months. What do you-all think about postponing the procedure until after puberty, so that the male physical traits such as thickening of the head and neck, and the big cheeks are fully developed? I'm not sure whether, OR NOT these features enhance the "look" or not. The spines on the penis, I understand, fade to some extent after neutering. I don't know whether or not the same applies to the thickening around the head and neck and cheeks as well. Also don't know if any courtship behavior developed early-on would be sustained after the neutering is performed.
Scott, I feel your pain.
Louie, the F1 SV is now just past 4 MO and not ready for neutering for a couple months. What do you-all think about postponing the procedure until after puberty, so that the male physical traits such as thickening of the head and neck, and the big cheeks are fully developed? I'm not sure whether, OR NOT these features enhance the "look" or not. The spines on the penis, I understand, fade to some extent after neutering. I don't know whether or not the same applies to the thickening around the head and neck and cheeks as well. Also don't know if any courtship behavior developed early-on would be sustained after the neutering is performed.
Scott, I feel your pain.