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New F5 SBT kittens


Staff member
I've been remiss in sharing pics of my newest litter. These kittens are F5 SBT and noteworthy in that both parents are F4Cs, so their Serval TWiG (theoretical wild gene) is around 11%. They are three weeks old in these pics, just starting to run and play - sooo cute!!! Now I just need to come up with nicknames for them :up: More pics can be seen on my facebook page:

Golden boy
Boy #1 pink nose 2012 1027 02.JPG Boy #1 pink nose 2012 1027 04.JPG

Black nosed boy #1
Boy #2 black nose po 2012 1019 07.JPG Boy #2 black nose po 2012 1027 05.JPG

Black nosed boy #2
Boy #3 black nose go 2012 1019 05.JPG Boy #3 black nose go 2012 1027 02.JPG

Big girl
Girl #1 big girl 2012 1019 012.JPG Girl #1 big girl 2012 1027 04.JPG

Little girl
Girl #2 little girl 2012 1027 02.JPG Girl #2 little girl 2012 1027 05.JPG


Site Supporter
They are so cute! The look Black Nosed Boy #1 is giving the camera in the second photo is so cute!


Staff member
Awesome litter, Patti! I think Little Girl is my favorite...she is just adorable :)
Little girl is my favorite as well. She was the runt of the litter and I was really holding my breath the first two weeks, but she is a feisty one and a figher, so has done quite well. She is very sweet as well ... unusual for a female!


Staff member
They look very promising!
Thanks Kelly, of course it's hard to tell much of anything at this point, and I find myself impatient to see 'what they'll really look like' but I do hope that at least one or two will be worthy of the show hall :)


Staff member
They are so cute! The look Black Nosed Boy #1 is giving the camera in the second photo is so cute!
Yes, he is quite the character - can't decide if he wants to pose for the camera or run off and play, but so far he is my best poser :)