Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Newbie Question



Can all SV's be shown? What TICA requirements for showing?


Can all SV's be shown? What TICA requirements for showing?
Only SBT coded Savannahs can be shown. The earliest F2 generation that a Savannah could reach SBT is the F4 generation. Additionally, only the colors/patterns approved and incorporated into the TICA breed standard can be shown - brown spotted, silver spotted, black, black smoke. If you have an F4 and lower generation cat that is not an "standard" color/pattern, it is eligible for the Household Pet class though. Additionally, the cat/kitten must be registered with TICA, you can only show one time with a registration number that is "pending".

Are you interested in showing? Let me know, I would be more than happy to guide you through the process. I am the Regional Director for the TICA Southwest Region (-:


Only SBT coded Savannahs can be shown. The earliest F2 generation that a Savannah could reach SBT is the F4 generation. Additionally, only the colors/patterns approved and incorporated into the TICA breed standard can be shown - brown spotted, silver spotted, black, black smoke. If you have an F4 and lower generation cat that is not an "standard" color/pattern, it is eligible for the Household Pet class though. Additionally, the cat/kitten must be registered with TICA, you can only show one time with a registration number that is "pending".

Are you interested in showing? Let me know, I would be more than happy to guide you through the process. I am the Regional Director for the TICA Southwest Region (-:

Thanks Kristine. I have an F1 male, and just received the TICA reg papers to fill out. I assume that having pedigree sent is not an option, since the king is 100% serval. Correct? It might be fun to try the HH pet class though. He has all of the standard markings and I see no disqualifications from the TICA standard, which I downloaded.


Thanks Kristine. I have an F1 male, and just received the TICA reg papers to fill out. I assume that having pedigree sent is not an option, since the king is 100% serval. Correct? It might be fun to try the HH pet class though. He has all of the standard markings and I see no disqualifications from the TICA standard, which I downloaded.
Your pedigree would give you background on the dam, but not the sire as he is a Serval. If you were curious about the dam's lineage you could order it. You cannot show an F1, not even in the HHP class, that is only for F4 and lower (meaning lower % of non-domestic ancestor, not lower "f" generation). If you are looking for a Savannah to show, you need it to be a minimum of four generations away from the Serval and SBT (-: