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Not sure if this is the right place to ask this....


Savannah Super Cat
Okay, I got a new cat tree for my upstairs office/cat room/guest room. The new carpet on it has this godawful chemical smell that is making my whole house stink, and frankly is making me a bit ill. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can spray on it to get rid of that terrible odor?


Staff member
You'll just have to put it outside until all the chemicals have out-gassed. Febreze may help mask the odor the chemicals from the carpeting are still permeating the house.


Savannah Super Cat
It is so bad, I can't sit at my computer for any length of time without getting a headache.


Savannah Super Cat
You'll just have to put it outside until all the chemicals have out-gassed. Febreze may help mask the odor the chemicals from the carpeting are still permeating the house.​
There is no way I can carry it down the stairs and out the door by myself. I had it delivered.


Site Supporter
Yep. Outside. Air it out for like a week. If it still has a high chemical smell I would try to return it. If the smell is making you sick, it will most definitely not be good for the kitties. I'm sure their sniffer is much more sensitive than ours. And I have a crazy sensitive sniffer, curse and gift. Anyway, that's what I would do.

Trish Allearz

Hmm... Good question, Jacqui! I'm not sure! I think Febrezing it would only kill you with flowery chemical smells :S Try point a few good fans at it and have them aimed at the window?


Savannah Super Cat
That is a good idea Trish. There is no way I can move it. It's huge! Right now I am keeping the window open next to it, and that helps some. What about one of those zero odor type products? Do you think that will help?


Site Supporter
Okay, I got a new cat tree for my upstairs office/cat room/guest room. The new carpet on it has this godawful chemical smell that is making my whole house stink, and frankly is making me a bit ill. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can spray on it to get rid of that terrible odor?
use a carpet cleaner, you can try potassium permanganate (KMnO4) ( but you may paint carpet), you can try to spray diluted hydrogen peroxide with water (1:1). I think the last method will help you:)