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Not sure we got the Cat we Purchased


Hi everyone

Today I found out that our cat Spencer was not neutered like he was supposed to be in our contract. I know, how could I not notice his balls, well I have never had a cat before so never understood cat ball size, and read that over time the sac shrinks up and all that so just figured it would go away. Well after taking him to the vet for mounting issues, my partner and I come to find out that he HAS NEVER BEEN NEUTERED! Because of this and a few other things I have lost all confidence in the information my breeder has given me.

Is he really an F6 SBT?
Was he really born in May 2011 because he seemed small when we got him and he is now (within the last 6 weeks) only exhibiting unneutered cat behavior?
Was he the cat in the pictures because the cat in the pictures?​
Was this a complete cat mix up and someone else got the cat we thought we purchased and vice/versa?​
Even though these questions come up, I do know that whoever we got, we do love him EXTREME amounts and he is not going anywhere (except to the vet to get neutered!!) But it leaves me wondering what cat did we really get and pay for?​
Has anyone had this happen before?​

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I don't think you were missing clues that Spencer was not neutered. Nowadays they leave the sac such that they really can kinda look intact, especially some cats. That's why at cat shows the judge will actually FEEL the testicles in the intact cat class. I have a very funny pair of pics once of my male cat's face when a judge was doing that! LOL! Baz at 3.5 years old still kinda looks the same, although he never had big testicles to start with being an earlier generation male they often don't develop much there.

I understand now doubting what you have there... and I just don't know. I assume you've contacted the breeder and maybe they can clear this up.

Are you saying that the kitten pics you got don't so much match the kitten you received now that you look at them more closely? The spot pattern of a cat is actually very identifying, and I know of a case when a breeder used that to identify their missing cat and reclaim it from a sanctuary that had it after the cat escaped in a car accident.

And yes, no matter what you love the cat you have and so these are just questions that won't change anything... still valid questions and I'd want to try to find out too!


Staff member
Yup, not much else you can do at this point except talk to the breeder. If you really want to find out you can insist on dna testing to confirm his parents are the ones on the registration papers. Of course, if the breeder really wanted to, he/she could falsify that info too (swab one cat and say it is the dna of another cat).


So at the Vet today when I was picking Spencer up from his Neuter I got them to scan his microchip just to make sure who he is and they came back and said that HE DOES NOT HAVE A MICROCHIP! They even tested their machine to make sure it was working and the cat has NO microchip, which I purchased (with the neutering) and it on my contract.

So some cat owner out there has my name and address in Canada registered as the owner of their cat. This has me fully convinced that there was some sort of Cat mix up and I got someone esle's cat! I now have no idea what generation he is at all....


Staff member
So at the Vet today when I was picking Spencer up from his Neuter I got them to scan his microchip just to make sure who he is and they came back and said that HE DOES NOT HAVE A MICROCHIP! They even tested their machine to make sure it was working and the cat has NO microchip, which I purchased (with the neutering) and it on my contract.

So some cat owner out there has my name and address in Canada registered as the owner of their cat. This has me fully convinced that there was some sort of Cat mix up and I got someone esle's cat! I now have no idea what generation he is at all....

That is terrible! Have you heard from your breeder?


My partner called and spoke briefly to him but he was traveling so he didn't have any information in front of him. He said he would pay and he said it's like $60-90. But in Canada it's a lot more, it's around $215. However, now that I paid for the microchip and registration of that and he doesn't have one and that was also part of the contract we need to have this discussion also..

I wonder what cat out there I am now the registered owner for?? If he ever gets scanned I am sure he/she is pretty far from NB, Canada!