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Other Pet Introductions

DB in RR

Savannah Adult
Okay, I followed the quarantine period, and other than the sniffles, Cayenne is good to go.

So first we introduced her to Hershey, the five old domestic. He hisses at her.... and just does not want to be near her, nothing forced. Cayenne on the other hand is totally curiously about Hershey. So I think they just need to know each other.

So the next test were the dogs. These are friendly to cats, and lick Hershey over as if he was small dog. They are curious about her, and one on one not aggressive to her at all.... but she definitely goes into defensive posture and hisses at them. So no problem, we will have a slow period of introductions. I am thinking I have a big wire crate, and put a dog in it, and then let her in the same room. Then they could get the near interaction and comfort/safety , before letting them interact directly.

I figure the quarantine was two weeks, and the get to know you period could be two months. Does that sound about right? Any other ideas.


Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
The "get to know you" period could indeed be that long...just play it by ear. When introducing a kitten usually it is much easier and quicker than another adult cat. And individual personalities influence how smooth the transition is or how much work you have to do to get them all to coexist peacefully :)

DB in RR

Savannah Adult
All in all Cayenne is doing pretty good.... she recognizes me and my wife is a little jealous over her affections towards me ( my wife took my daughter back to college for a week). She sometimes gets "SPOOKED" when you want into a room, and man she is greased lighting to run to a safe neutral zone. Then once she sees who has come to greet her.... she comes back out. The other then is she does not like to be picked up from the floor, but will easily jump to a bed or counter and let you pick her up....


Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
From the kitty point of view, a big human looming over them when on the floor is scarier than a human approaching them from a higher vantage point I guess!

DB in RR

Savannah Adult
I understand the Big Human thing..... or she is REALLY REALLY smart and already has me trained!!! Must be some kind of mind control in those nead butts!!! LOL


They do train us. My F4 Djembe, won't let me put on his walking jacket unless he sits on top of one particular chair. We even swapped chairs from the LR to my office, do now, we get dressed in the office, walk to the door, and wait to be carried outside. Who's trained?