Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Photo Contest/Calendar


Staff member
Here is the link to the photo contest: - we are ready for photos...please only pick your best photos and only 1 per member. This is the page to upload your photos.

And here is the page to vote and view photos.

This was the easiest way for me to do this without having to put tons of work into it...

Here are the rules:Y

  1. You can only enter this contest if you are a SV Cat Chat member
  2. Photos need to be approved before they appear in the gallery
  3. Only 5 entries per member
  4. Must be High Res or over 1MB
  5. Please add a title to your photo along with your username
  6. The top 12 images (of different cats) will appear in the calendar - meaning that if one cat wins 1 and 2 place, that cat's photo will only appear once...the next photo with the highest votes will then win...every month must picture a different cat...
  7. it is our discretion to "touch up" any photos
  8. All photos will become property of Savannah Cat Chat for the sole purpose of creating a calendar to sell...all proceeds will go to to help maintain the site
Please upload your best photos over the next month! You have until March 1 to upload photos.

Voting will open March 1 until April 1...we will announce the winners on April 5th!

Thank you for participating! We look forward to seeing your best photos!

Contest deadline for uploading images is March 1,2013! Voting begins March 4...Voting deadline is April 1!

John Popp

Site Supporter
Not to be a stickler for details, but the rights granted to should be for one time use in the calendar production. It's possible that some images may have value beyond the single use and those rights should be retained by the owner/photographer.


Staff member
Not to be a stickler for details, but the rights granted to should be for one time use in the calendar production. It's possible that some images may have value beyond the single use and those rights should be retained by the owner/photographer.

Yes...that is very is not our intention to control anyone's photo...I did say the photos would become our property to use for the calendar though...

John Popp

Site Supporter
Not at all suggesting anything nefarious, just as written I couldn't get my wife to submit an entry. Always one to donate her work to worthy causes just as a working professional photographer she also needs a layer of protection in doing so.


Staff member
Well...not much I can say...I have put a disclaimer on the contest page that it is for one time use...I just want this to be a fun contest and not too complicated...I hope she will submit a photo, but if not, I understand.


I am very excited about this calendar/contest! I have some pics I snapped of Spence in the moment and they are pretty incredible, excited to be able to share my favorite one with you all :)