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Pics of wall furniture installation in master bedroom


Loyal Servant
I have most of the new wall furniture installed and the fur kids love it so far.

I snapped a picture of them crowding the bed this AM. I hope one or two decide to use the corner beds (one usually takes top of the cat tree) so I can get a sound nights sleep!

IMG_2486b.JPG IMG_2493b.JPG IMG_2499b.JPG IMG_2500b.JPG IMG_2497b.JPG


Savannah Super Cat
That's a great cat tree, Sunny! Where did you order it from? Love your lamp, too, btw. I can see what you mean...doesn't look like there's much room for you in the bed! :roflmao:


Loyal Servant

They are built to order and I have a window perch which is coming late next week too. Flat base with a half moon cradle for lounging.

Steve is the proprietor and the fit and finish is fantastic. Better than expected. Can easily hold the stated weights and activity level to match... No concern about falling.


Loyal Servant
Hey Ms CC the cat tree was from made by Trixie and its the Nathaniel model. Just sent in a review to be posted on their site. Best tree under $500 without a doubt. But next is the Big Oak so I have a tree downstairs.