Savannah Super Cat
My 10 month old F2 savannah Zara absolutely REFUSES to use the cat box. We have six boxes! She doesn't want to use any of them! two has scentless sand litter three have pellets and one has this pine dust natural scent. We have all different sizes. She would rather pee in the hallway or in a vent. I have put cat boxes right where she would rather pee and she just pee's next to it. I don't know what to do i keep them very clean. I have given her a variety of boxes and litters and she doesn't want to use them. I have tried locking her in one room with a box but she holds it until she gets out and then pees in her bad spot. She poos in my mothers room. Today she peed on her bed. I have no idea what to do her litter mate sister is very good about using the box.
We have four cats two savannahs and two domestics. when she was younger she used the potty but as she got older she found other places. Advice please!
We have four cats two savannahs and two domestics. when she was younger she used the potty but as she got older she found other places. Advice please!