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Proposing Savannah Breed Information and Resource Project

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
The internet has a lot of information, some of which is duplicated, misinformed, biased, and unsubstantiated information regarding the breed. It has also been discussed that attempts to correct the Wikipedia information have not proceeded well.
I am proposing that we of the Savannah community, put together factual information from the TICA breed committee members, breeders, and people with a broad experience with the various facets of this breed in a section of this website, as a non biased informational resource for those seeking information about the breed.

This is the Wikipedia site link:

I am proposing that we:
1. Obtain and reference the origins of the breed.
2. Describe the breed, TICA standard.
3. Describe the generations. It would be helpful to expand this section with attributes to be expected. Items like size, weight, temperaments, and other useful data which would be helpful to current and potential owners.
4. Describe the nomenclature used in the various generation sub classes (A,B,C, SBT, etc.)
5. Tips for the arriving kitten.
6. Tips for the arriving of an older cat.
7. Health issues and unique issues to the breed.
8. Legal issues and ownership laws.
9. Any known and documented research about the breed.
10. Further resources for the owner and potential owner.
11. How to register you cat with TICA.
12. How to show your cat in cat shows.
13. Diet and care advice.
14. Savannah rescue.

I would also entertain any other topics I haven't mentioned. I realize this will be a big project.

The expertise of the TICA breed committee members and the caring breeders of SavannahCatChat are in the best position to provide reliable, accurate, knowledgeable, informative, and experienced based information. Many members of SavannahCatChat have multiple cats of various generations can provide valuable information and experienced based assistance to current and potential new owners.

Can we do this? I think we can do a great job!


Staff member
The internet has a lot of information, some of which is duplicated, misinformed, biased, and unsubstantiated information regarding the breed. It has also been discussed that attempts to correct the Wikipedia information have not proceeded well.
I am proposing that we of the Savannah community, put together factual information from the TICA breed committee members, breeders, and people with a broad experience with the various facets of this breed in a section of this website, as a non biased informational resource for those seeking information about the breed.

This is the Wikipedia site link:

I am proposing that we:
1. Obtain and reference the origins of the breed.
2. Describe the breed, TICA standard.
3. Describe the generations. It would be helpful to expand this section with attributes to be expected. Items like size, weight, temperaments, and other useful data which would be helpful to current and potential owners.
4. Describe the nomenclature used in the various generation sub classes (A,B,C, SBT, etc.)
5. Tips for the arriving kitten.
6. Tips for the arriving of an older cat.
7. Health issues and unique issues to the breed.
8. Legal issues and ownership laws.
9. Any known and documented research about the breed.
10. Further resources for the owner and potential owner.
11. How to register you cat with TICA.
12. How to show your cat in cat shows.
13. Diet and care advice.
14. Savannah rescue.

I would also entertain any other topics I haven't mentioned. I realize this will be a big project.

The expertise of the TICA breed committee members and the caring breeders of SavannahCatChat are in the best position to provide reliable, accurate, knowledgeable, informative, and experienced based information. Many members of SavannahCatChat have multiple cats of various generations can provide valuable information and experienced based assistance to current and potential new owners.

Can we do this? I think we can do a great job!
Most of this is already on the Savannah breed section website I think we can add additional information if requested. Just a couple of comments:
  • I think it is counterproductive to 'characterize' the different generations because you simply can't make generalizations about them. I have had huge F5s and dinky F4s. I've also had F5s act more servally than some of my F3s...

  • There are no known health issues specific to the Savannah, and no formal research that I have heard of specific to the Savannah other than the fertility study I did a couple of years ago which is not available to the public

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
Most of this is already on the Savannah breed section website I think we can add additional information if requested. Just a couple of comments:
  • I think it is counterproductive to 'characterize' the different generations because you simply can't make generalizations about them. I have had huge F5s and dinky F4s. I've also had F5s act more servally than some of my F3s...

  • There are no known health issues specific to the Savannah, and no formal research that I have heard of specific to the Savannah other than the fertility study I did a couple of years ago which is not available to the public
Wow, thanks Patti. Nice site. A lot of what I proposed is there. And it is from multiple breeders, which is on the path to consensus.
If I had seen this site, I would have altered my proposal. Might be worth some discussion about this site. It appears to me to have much more useful information than Wikipedia.


Site Supporter
Most of this is already on the Savannah breed section website I think we can add additional information if requested. Just a couple of comments:
  • I think it is counterproductive to 'characterize' the different generations because you simply can't make generalizations about them. I have had huge F5s and dinky F4s. I've also had F5s act more servally than some of my F3s...

  • There are no known health issues specific to the Savannah, and no formal research that I have heard of specific to the Savannah other than the fertility study I did a couple of years ago which is not available to the public

Hi Patti

Who deals with the members log in for the Savannah Brred section website? I e-mailed the via the contact link a few days ago, but have heard nothing back? I paid to belong to the breed section (via my TICA membership) last year, but they never put it on, which I didn't realise until I re-newed this year :(

Many thanks


John Popp

Site Supporter
I would be curious as to the subspecies of Servals our Savannahs are derived from. I often see very different looking serval photos from people visiting Africa. When looking at breeders who have servals in their program, the servals employed are very similar as if they are all derived from the same subspecies.

The Kasbah


We really have no way of knowing. There isn't a formal registry for exotics, so we have no way to track lineage.

Servals used in SV programs are registered with TICA so that we can track pedigree info, but this tells us nothing about the history behind them.

Hope this helps you understand why this project, while certainly interesting, is not something that we can accomplish.

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
I would be curious as to the subspecies of Servals our Savannahs are derived from. I often see very different looking serval photos from people visiting Africa. When looking at breeders who have servals in their program, the servals employed are very similar as if they are all derived from the same subspecies.
Interesting point, JP. You got me wondering, if this subspecies is predominate in the SV breeding programs, might a trait in this sub species be this amazing personality that is so precious to us?
As a corollary thought, if this did occur, it turned out to be the cornerstone of an entire new breed.