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Protruding sternum


Savannah Super Cat
Hello All

I have noticed lately that Layla's sternum is sticking out farther out pushing her hair out to a point that its noticable. Is this normal? She doesn't have any discomfort, eats and plays as usual it not more.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
From what little i know of this, a little protrusion of the sternum is not a problem... it's a not uncommon defect but a benign one in that it doesn't cause any health issue...

Trish Allearz

Abu, on this site, managed to knock his ribcage as a kitten and caused it to protrude slightly. There's a name for it- but it is where the floating rib is... It causes him no issues.


Savannah Super Cat
Thank you both, I figured no harm is caused by it since she moves furniture as she plays lol and she is only 7 months old but I wanted to make sure :)

Trish Allearz

And actually, I think it was Abu's xiphoid that was knocked- I'm not that great with anatomy- LOL. We did xrays and everything, but it didn't effect him one bit.

Per Lausund

Staff member
It is usually the xiphoid cartilage, it feels uncomfortable and is totally benign, and does no harm. Nobody knows why, but it happens once in a while. It is sometimes discovered by accident (as when the cathas had a fall or something), but it is extremely rare that it is CAUSED by an accident, which would have to hit and push from the inside.