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Question for SV breeders

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I have associates and business related friends ask me questions about Kronos. They see him during tele-conferences, hear him on the phone, or see him on the corporate website.

I always tell them to seek a local breeder from and request an appt. to see the SV beed especially a F1 up close and personal. Do you breeders provide a SV 101 for those who are interested in the breed and would like a little more info with a up close and personal interaction with your show cats?

I'm not talking about having a revolving door effect, but something in the nature of 1-2 appt. a month for John Doe to come for an hour to see the breed in person... because we all know that pictures do not have the same effect as real life. Maybe even charge them $20/hr showing.

Trish Allearz

Um, no :)

Sorry- if you want to know about the breed, we can chat via the phone or even better via email and if you want to see the breed- your local TICA cat show is a perfect place to see them. Now, that means you won't see the F1s-F3s (for sure) and you will probably see moreso F5s/F6s, BUT... meh. My F1s are not display animals- none of my cats are. My show kitties are show kitties IN the show hall- when they are home, they are just kitties being brats :)

I know what you are asking and I get it- it'd be nice for people curious about the breed to be able to come over and just visit, but... Most of us live with our cats- we can't have a revolving door policy even if it IS just 1-2 visits a month.

John Doe does not get into MY cattery unless John Doe is a bonafide, card carrying registered Savannah lover who is getting a kitten from me ;) OR I already have a relationship with said John Doe (maybe someone we met through the SV lists and who we've known for a while, etc).


and his servant, Paul
For most breeders, the risk of disease is simply too high. One minor disease at $30+ a shot times the number of felines running around is no small price to pay. Tack on to it the fact that your business is your home, and you're admitting to the internet that you have $2k+ items just running around loose.

On that topic, how do cat shows ensure that diseases are *not* spread? I would be wary of bringing any of my kitties to a show (outside of the fact that you'd need to be a SBT...right?)


Staff member
I show and have shown and there is no absolute as far as spreading of disease, I guess. The cages the kittens/cats go into to be judged are cleaned after each judging and I have anyone wishing to pet my cat/kitten use a hand sanitizer before doing so. Then I bathe my kitten/cat with a medicated shampoo after I get home before letting him/her out amongst the rest of the cats.


Staff member
For someone like me it's not just the inconvenience of having strangers traipse through my home, or the threat of diseases being spread through my cats. I am a single woman and live alone with several very expensive animals. I do not give out my address to anyone unless they have been thoroughly checked out. There have been too many stories of breeders whose cats have been set free, or whose animals have been stolen, even one story that I know of that a woman in TX was attacked, raped, and robbed by so-called pet shoppers. Nope - not just um no - hell no!


Staff member
I show and have shown and there is no absolute as far as spreading of disease, I guess. The cages the kittens/cats go into to be judged are cleaned after each judging and I have anyone wishing to pet my cat/kitten use a hand sanitizer before doing so. Then I bathe my kitten/cat with a medicated shampoo after I get home before letting him/her out amongst the rest of the cats.
I actually bathe the cats with medicated shampoo before the show so they are already protected when they get there.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Think about it, would you be happy giving up your weekend once or twice a month to strangers coming into your home and having to sit there answering the same questions over and over and them never wanting to leave and night falls and you want to feed the cats AND yourselves....?

I already do that once a month (sometimes more) by going to a cat show and giving up those weekends. The precious weekends I get at home I want to spend with my husband (who also travels a lot for work) and our pets. I want to have a life outside my cats too, have friends over that don't involve my "cat life" necessarily...

I know from experience that people make "appointments" but because it is your home think nothing of being an hour late, or early... and staying as long as they please because they are enjoying the kitties. And bringing friends along to see the cats too... so you have a whole crowd of folk exclaiming and squealing and generally the cats just leave the rooms they are in because of the noise. And then they say "oh they aren't too friendly are they?"...

I do allow folk that are interested in a specific kitten, that is born, that we have established is possibly right for them... those can visit, but after we've spent quite some time getting to know each other via email and phone. My home is not a petting zoo, and many contact me expecting that. $20/hr doesn't tempt me!

Wild Tafari

Savannah Super Cat
I've heard all too many times, "Oh, can we come over just to meet them and see what they are like?! I've never seen a Savannah in person!"

I agree wholeheartedly with everything that has already been said by my fellow SV breeders. For us, there is simply too much at risk when most people can simply Google the breed to learn more, watch YouTube videos to see more, and talk with us on the telephone or via email to ask any questions they may have additionally.
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