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Raw food



When you sit out raw food for your SV' how long do most leave it out for if not eaten right away.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I'm fussier about how long I leave out chicken than rabbit, with chicken I don't leave out longer than half an hour... I find that chicken tends to spoil quicker than rabbit though so don't tend to be as paranoid when it is rabbit meat..


I'm fussier about how long I leave out chicken than rabbit, with chicken I don't leave out longer than half an hour... I find that chicken tends to spoil quicker than rabbit though so don't tend to be as paranoid when it is rabbit meat..
Thats about what i thought,if he dont finish it all i have to do is act like im takeing bowl and he will start to eat again.


Chirps & Massive Headbutts
4-8 hrs for Shango as he's a big eater at night. I agree with Bridgette, the fresher the better. But then again I also wonder about what occurs in the wild with many cats, where they come back much later to eat their kill and keep it left out (not sure if Serval's behave the same?).

Shango's a big eater when he's active, and this occurs at night. I think he thinks he's on Kenyan time really. Pretty sure his F1 Mom told him bedtime stories about Grandpa Serval hunting on the wild plains of Africa!

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I think we do think about how they eat in the wild, but also remember that cats in the wild don't live as long, may suffer nutritional deficiencies too! And in terms of coming back to a kill, it's usually not a chicken and their gut bacteria really is different from say a cow or larger mammal that might be the subject of many meals for kitties...