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Raw Red Meat


Savannah Super Cat
I read a lot about raw chicken but I am not seeing much about raw quality red meat... What is everyone's idea about feeding raw red meat? Any recommendations about once a day feeding raw red meat or maybe a few times a week?


Staff member
If your cat will eat red meet, feed red meat. Some cats are allergic to beef and/or chicken. Mine will eat beef occasionally but they aren't crazy about it. I've tried stew meat and higher quality. I haven't tried ground yet and was thinking about giving them some this weekend to see if that made any difference. I haven't tried goat yet either but do want to get some from Hare Today.


I buy stew beef and thoroughly mix one package in with my ground chicken thighs, uncut, in a 1/2 inch cubes. I make 30 lbs. at a time, so when I measure it out in 1/4 cup portions, every 3rd or 4th scoop gets a cube. It's random when the "treat" will occur, but keeps the cats interested. I use an ice cream scoop to portion the meat onto cookie sheets. Then, I freeze and immediately put in gallon ziplock bags. Then I store them in the freezer, removing scooped portions for the next couple of days and placing them in paper French Fry containers from Costco to thaw for serving. Works well for me, but I have a "system" for everything. I can't seem to keep up with plastic lids to store it any other way. Sorry to ramble, folks.


Savannah Super Cat
Thank you all, I tried stew meat tonight and she had a few bites and then she came back for more about 20 minutes later. I was eating left over filet from the night before and for the first time she tried to get a bite off my plate lol... I ll see how she does with raw read meat for now.


Savannah Super Cat
If I'm bbqing porterhouse or fillet for dinner I'll always cut off some for simba before I cook it. He likes if fine. He loves goat form hare today. I get the course ground.


I'm afraid to try goats with my cats! They can see our sheep from the window and I'm afraid they'd get an idea and plot to get a lamb.

John Popp

Site Supporter
I'm afraid to try goats with my cats! They can see our sheep from the window and I'm afraid they'd get an idea and plot to get a lamb.

LOL! I'm reminded of an old commercial which stated "the real taste of beef that cats love" and I always pictured my cats taking down a steer.

John Popp

Site Supporter
My cats are all over the board with what meats they will eat. Of the 3, 2 will eat rabbit, 1 will eat beef, none of them like turkey and just one will eat duck. So chicken it is most of the time although I do buy some duck and rabbit from Hare Today. I try to change their diet up a little bit, but my wife does a much better job of knowing who will eat what.

Also on the beef you need to be adding some bone meal which just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If I am grinding stuff up to provide my cats with high quality meals, not sure that adding bone meal out of a bag or jar meets that objective.

Lori Greer

Cahaba Cats
I read a lot about raw chicken but I am not seeing much about raw quality red meat... What is everyone's idea about feeding raw red meat? Any recommendations about once a day feeding raw red meat or maybe a few times a week?

Red meat can cause loose stools with some cats though so proceed slowly. Variety is a good thing IMO but be sure you are getting them balanced nutrition either by using suppliments or feeding other foods as their main diet and offering the raw as a once a day treat for example.