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Request for Exact Recipe


Staff member
Ok, for all you savannah cat lovers who feed raw chicken from a recipe, can you post your recipe here, including exact amounts of chicken and supplements? This for those who are just beginning so they can have a reference to go for about a recipe for 4 pounds of chicken and the subsequent supplement quantities...



Site Supporter
Thank you for that link DocMac. I'm going to order that as well. Tojo has not been eating well at all and maybe this will help me keep him on raw. Off to vet tomorrow to make sure he no other issues even though his litter habits are normal.


Ok, for all you savannah cat lovers who feed raw chicken from a recipe, can you post your recipe here, including exact amounts of chicken and supplements? This for those who are just beginning so they can have a reference to go for about a recipe for 4 pounds of chicken and the subsequent supplement quantities...

I am lazy and buy the store bought raw... my cats like Rad Cat and Small Batch.

John Popp

Site Supporter
I'll try to post my recipe this evening. I have lots of notes and modification I have done along the way because of things our cats don't like and their individual nutritional needs. I have tried a few of the prepackaged supplements and our cats just don't seem to like them. Perhaps it's because I have readily available sources for hearts and livers, or maybe it's just because our cats like to throw new challenges at us.

I also would like to mention that it's important to do some testing before you really dig in to larger batches that your cat(s) don't like. Some have an aversion to eggs or cooked egg whites, fish oil or the types of meat they will eat. While those things are important, there are other options and paths. Best to know whether they'll eat rabbit, duck, turkey, chicken or the like before you have a 5lb batch of it that none of them are fond of.


Staff member
Awesome, John! what I am really looking for is for someone to post thie recipe so newbies have a place to start. Thank you!

John Popp

Site Supporter
My basic recipe in which I use some variations off of for larger batches and to meet the nutritional needs of our various cats.


5 lb Chicken Thighs with bone and skin

1/2 lb Chicken heart

1/2 lb Chicken liver

4 egg yolks

4 cooked egg whites

1/2 lb Cooked Salmon

500 IU Vitamin E

100mg Vitamin B Complex

1000 mg Taurine

1 tsp light salt

Start out cooking the salmon, i just do it in a frying pan with some butter which I will later add my egg whites into. It's not a good idea to feed cats raw fish, so cooking the salmon is important.

Separate your egg yolks into a large mixing bowl. Save the egg whites to add into the frying pan with the salmon.

When adding the egg whites I scramble them a bit to mix with the butter and salmon juices. As some cats aren't real fond of the egg whites, it's a good way to add some flavor to them and make them more palatable.

Returning to the egg yolks I mix in my dry ingredients and vitamins. Again it's important to use a large mixing bowl as you will need to add in your ground organ meat. Whisk together your dry ingredients and egg yolks.

At this point, you are ready to start grinding your organ meat. Grinding the organ meat will go very quickly so I spend a lot more time making sure I am properly mixing my egg yolks and supplements. This is also when I run the cooked salmon and the egg whites through the grinder. It's very important to mix this part well as there are a few tastes that your cat(s) may not approve of.

After having created a slurry with the organ meat, salmon, eggs and supplements you can begin grinding the chickens thighs. For grinding the thighs I use a larger stock pot and add in some of the organ slurry as I go. I don't want to just try to mix it in at the end as it becomes a bigger chore to have it well dispersed. Discard any pieces of bone or cartilage left in the grinder.

There's a number of different ways to store your raw food, although what works best for us is quart size freezer bags. They store flat, we can get most of the air out and make good use of the labels as we have some modified recipes for each of our three cats. We simply fold the bag over a pint size plastic cup, scoop the raw food in and squeeze out as much air as possible. We used to weigh them, but there wasn't much variation and our cats go through the bags relatively quickly once thawed.

For chicken hearts and to add variety to our cats diets, we use We buy whole ground duck and rabbit and it's great place to get ground chicken including organ meat if you aren't ready to jump in with both feet. The 1 lb bags of ground meat is also what we hold in reserve should we temporarily run out of their raw food.

Variations can be made to the recipe to make things a little simpler or if you don't have access to chicken hearts. Taurine can be added in place of chicken hearts and fish oil can be used instead of the cooked salmon. Many times it's just figuring out what your cat will eat and over time most people will make some modifications.

Before you start, it's a good idea to see what your cat will actually eat. An egg yolk mixed with a lb of their canned food or a small offering of salmon or cooked egg whites. Not all cats will take well to them and some modifications may be necessary. Over time you can get it dialed in and have a happier healthier cat as a result.