Kittens born March 29th of 2012...Ajana the girl got sick as a baby around April and had to be force fed to eat..Dakari had diarrhea issues and got antibiotics from breeder. July 29th they were both ready to come home, and the breeder noticed a suspicious spot on Ajana's hind leg. It came positive for ringworms, but Dakari was negative. They both had lime baths and the met...sometining ointment. Dakari also became positive in his ears. From July 29th to they came home on Oct 7th, the breeder had been treating them. She got 2 negative cultures, so shipped them to me. The problem I think is because the cultures were too close apart...2-3 weeks..I do not know. My vet did the woods lamp on Oct 10th and Dakari's ears shined...Ajana showed none. Yes, diarrhea since home, but not dehydrated. My initial vet who comes to the house for my other 2 cats said he would not bathe them unless they were sedated. I choose not, so I took them to another vet. 4 weeks now the new vet has bathed them twice a week with Hexachlor-K being conservative until culture back. Wed this week, culture show Ajana positive and Dakari not, but she wants to wait till next week to see a 5week what the culture is actually growing. My two babies have been inseperated from birth and they are isolated and must stay together. Initially on the 10th I started Clotrimazole 50-50 on Dakari's shining ears for 9 days. For diarrhea he had a pink medicine which did not work. Then after the pink medicine, we gave a white medicine each for three days for possible parasites, but the fecal showed ok on both other than Dakari with excess bacteria and blood. We went on a yellow medicine called Albon...Just threw it up. Now like I said Doc gameplan is GI diet for two weeks till next Wed, and we R now on Metronizadole twice a day...One more dose of Probiotics and finished for Dakari...Not seeing a whole lot of improvement...well a little...Dakari not red blood watery poop, but trying to form a slush. Just as soon as eats or excited straight to the litter box a little poop at a time, and he tries to go on the newspaper or floor and I have to pick him up and put him in the box. I change the litter boxes like 3-4 times a day now starting tonight the smell is yechy. Waiting also on 2nd fecal....I probably forgot something as there is so much.....TU..