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Ring worms and diarrhea

Help....I have two savannahs brother and sister born March 29th...came home Oct. 7th due to them sick as kittens. My vet came to my home on Oct. 10th. They have ringworms and persistent diarrhea under vets care twice a week anti-fungal baths. On GI diet and oral med for diarrhea but no change after a month. 4 week culture came back Wed poitive for ringworms. We go every Sunday and Wed. for atifungal baths. Vet want to wait to see what culture really showing on week 5 which is next Wed. It says positive, but wants to know exact type. I am amongst myself. Anyone has anything to offer? I feel so bad they must be isolated in one room as I have two other cats. This is so sad for them as I wanted to harness train them and let them have a normal kitten life, but don't want to add anymore stress.


Staff member
Help....I have two savannahs brother and sister born March 29th...came home Oct. 7th due to them sick as kittens. My vet came to my home on Oct. 10th. They have ringworms and persistent diarrhea under vets care twice a week anti-fungal baths. On GI diet and oral med for diarrhea but no change after a month. 4 week culture came back Wed poitive for ringworms. We go every Sunday and Wed. for atifungal baths. Vet want to wait to see what culture really showing on week 5 which is next Wed. It says positive, but wants to know exact type. I am amongst myself. Anyone has anything to offer? I feel so bad they must be isolated in one room as I have two other cats. This is so sad for them as I wanted to harness train them and let them have a normal kitten life, but don't want to add anymore stress.

Rose, this has already been extensively answered the first time you posted... - you need to choose to watch the thread and you will get notification of the replies.

Please do not post in more than one place.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I think I've already responded to your post on another thread about the ringworm, but what GI diet are they on and what oral medication?


Staff member
I don't understand this...if the kittens had ringworm at the breeder, why didn't they stay there until it eradicated? Did they come to you and then go back? Sounds to me like these kittens are getting too many fungal baths and a frequent diet change, which would really upset their already fragile systems...


I really feel bad for these babies.I hope your vet told you that the meds they are on could be contributing to the loose stools. I also hope he told you that diet changes are not handled well when they are young and the fact that they are stressed certainly won't help either. It may just be a matter of getting them on a good quality cat food that is gluten and grain free will be the magic potion. If you are planning on returning them I hope you and the breeder can get together and come to an agreement. It is sad to think they are ailing..through no fault of their own and are in this predicament where you are ready to ship them back. Bless those unknowing little souls.
I really feel bad for these babies.I hope your vet told you that the meds they are on could be contributing to the loose stools. I also hope he told you that diet changes are not handled well when they are young and the fact that they are stressed certainly won't help either. It may just be a matter of getting them on a good quality cat food that is gluten and grain free will be the magic potion. If you are planning on returning them I hope you and the breeder can get together and come to an agreement. It is sad to think they are ailing..through no fault of their own and are in this predicament where you are ready to ship them back. Bless those unknowing little souls.
I will not send my babies back...I will have them forever...I just got disapointed as I feel so bad for them. We have a mutual agreement my husband and I, in that the breeder at this point has no use for them. They R 7 months old and fixed, so we will keep them till our whole lives. It has been hard, frustrating, but they R so cute and loving..I will continue whatever it costs and whatever we need. I just want them better. TU for Ur support and input. Do not worry...they R mine for life whatever it takes....
Kittens born March 29th of 2012...Ajana the girl got sick as a baby around April and had to be force fed to eat..Dakari had diarrhea issues and got antibiotics from breeder. July 29th they were both ready to come home, and the breeder noticed a suspicious spot on Ajana's hind leg. It came positive for ringworms, but Dakari was negative. They both had lime baths and the met...sometining ointment. Dakari also became positive in his ears. From July 29th to they came home on Oct 7th, the breeder had been treating them. She got 2 negative cultures, so shipped them to me. The problem I think is because the cultures were too close apart...2-3 weeks..I do not know. My vet did the woods lamp on Oct 10th and Dakari's ears shined...Ajana showed none. Yes, diarrhea since home, but not dehydrated. My initial vet who comes to the house for my other 2 cats said he would not bathe them unless they were sedated. I choose not, so I took them to another vet. 4 weeks now the new vet has bathed them twice a week with Hexachlor-K being conservative until culture back. Wed this week, culture show Ajana positive and Dakari not, but she wants to wait till next week to see a 5week what the culture is actually growing. My two babies have been inseperated from birth and they are isolated and must stay together. Initially on the 10th I started Clotrimazole 50-50 on Dakari's shining ears for 9 days. For diarrhea he had a pink medicine which did not work. Then after the pink medicine, we gave a white medicine each for three days for possible parasites, but the fecal showed ok on both other than Dakari with excess bacteria and blood. We went on a yellow medicine called Albon...Just threw it up. Now like I said Doc gameplan is GI diet for two weeks till next Wed, and we R now on Metronizadole twice a day...One more dose of Probiotics and finished for Dakari...Not seeing a whole lot of improvement...well a little...Dakari not red blood watery poop, but trying to form a slush. Just as soon as eats or excited straight to the litter box a little poop at a time, and he tries to go on the newspaper or floor and I have to pick him up and put him in the box. I change the litter boxes like 3-4 times a day now starting tonight the smell is yechy. Waiting also on 2nd fecal....I probably forgot something as there is so much.....TU..


That is good to hear, but I will have to comment on what you said about the breeder. I have no idea who your breeder is, but it is my experience with the ones that I do makes no difference if they happen to be spayed or neutered. The welfare of my babies whether breeders or very important . I have never been contacted about taking a kitten back, but would gladly ...if ever contacted. I am responsible for them being born and willl remain responsible for them forever;>) Life is hardly ever perfect...only in our dreams. Just love the little souls, stop stressing...give the medications and diet time to work...unless the vet finds something drastically wrong. The ringworm and loose stools hopefully will be just a memory in a few weeks. Take a deep breath...give them a hug and tell them everything is going to be okay;>) LOL


The good and bad news seems they have been on antibiotics for months now. This was not helping the loose stools.The antibiotics kill the bad germs, but also kill the good ones. I am sure those little intestinal tracts are pretty screwed up at this point in time. Probiotics are really going to benefit them at this time. A good diet that they tolerate, along with whatever your vet suggests will probably calm everything down in a few weeks. I certainly hope so because it sounds like they were off to a bad start in life. Prayers for these little ones coming your way.