Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Rough Few Days


Savannah Super Cat
Our 10 year old came down with the Rotovirus Friday night. :( Called off work on Saturday to take care of him. He was doing a little better by Monday, but I took him to the doctor, as his stomach was still hurting. Now, I have the darned stuff! :sick: My bosses are going to love me... 3 call offs in a week. Sure hope I'm better by tomorrow. Feels like my spine has been run over by a tractor. Good thing is, I woke up to find hubby had started the cat entertainment area. I must have been dead to the world, because I didn't hear one noise from his renovation project.


Savannah Super Cat
What really stinks, is that I haven't spent any time with Triton. He's supposed to be sprung from quarantine today. I think he'd be better off staying in there a few more days to avoid all the germs.


Savannah Super Cat
I hope you feel better soon and that your 10 year old is on the mend. How exciting to be building a cat play area. I cant wait to start ours in the new house.


Savannah Super Cat
Thank you, Xtine! My son is back to school now, thank heaven! I like to be alone in my misery, lol! Congratulations on your new home! That's always sooo exciting! When will you be moving?


Site Supporter
What really stinks, is that I haven't spent any time with Triton. He's supposed to be sprung from quarantine today. I think he'd be better off staying in there a few more days to avoid all the germs.
I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling ichey :-( I really hope yur feelin better soon. Glad to hear Triton is better. Will be nice to come home to a a new cat play area. :)


Savannah Super Cat
Thank you, Kim! Yes, I got really lucky when I married CC! The guy is a veritable "Jack of all trades". He has created so many things over the years, that I've lost count. When our son was smaller, CC made one heck of a Halloween display; mostly out of things he created himself. You should see the zombies he made from scratch! He's a miracle worker with latex, cotton batting, and a myriad of other things. One little trick-or-treater wouldn't leave! After half an hour, his mom had to pull him away. :roflmao: It was a great compliment!