Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Saturday Sillies... If I could bring home ONE SV today...

Trish Allearz

Okay- so let's have a little fun...

Right now- you can bring home any Savannah you want (real or not- hahaha)- any color, any percentage, etc. Who do you bring home and why? (And this is just today- tomorrow, you might change your mind and want a different color/generation/etc- it's all good!)

Me- I'd kill (well, not literally) for a high percentage MALE. Surprised? I think if I had a HP, I'd want him as a neutered pet and definitely not as a breeder. Perhaps not the smartest move on a cattery owner's part, but eh...


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Ok- I'll play! I would love a really big F2 male with a light base and huge clear brown spots and a gorgeous face, nice ocelli and a black nose! Of course he would have to be extremely outgoing and affectionate, loving everyone and not a destructive or bad tempered bone in his body :in love:

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Me- I'd kill (well, not literally) for a high percentage MALE. Surprised? I think if I had a HP, I'd want him as a neutered pet and definitely not as a breeder. Perhaps not the smartest move on a cattery owner's part, but eh...
I don't think it a dumb move, we all keep an alter or two even when breeders... they are the constant pets that help kittens adjust and somewhat run interference between the hormonal girls in the house etc :)