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SaVandalism... first time in 5 years!

John Campbell

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Staff member
Something that Elsa rarely does, but she did not commit a major offense!


The Roll was almost empty to begin with... I mentioned it to her, but she wouldn't confess to it, nor had any remorse! At least it was an easy clean up! You can see how much is left before she started by looking at the lower end of the image! It was almost empty to begin with.


Staff member
My dogs are the ones who keep getting into the paper products all of a sudden, I don't know what's gotten into them!

John Campbell

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Well... That is Elsa's first case in 10 years of doing it.. Not sure what prompted her... Not sure if I should have stopped her, or fussed at her, but I just let her have some fun... It doesn't have more than 5 or 6 towels left anyway, so it is certainly on the lower end of the scale of Savaldlism!

John Campbell

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Staff member
That is exactly what she was doing... Having Fun... I kind of got a kick out of watching her... She did not get it off the counter, some how it got knocked off and did not realize it!

John Campbell

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Staff member
I would not give her all the blame for this one... I will have to share it with her! This is her 1st act of Savandalism in at least 5 or 6 years!