Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Savannah Genealogy



I would like to start a genealogy report for the Savannah breed since it looks like it only goes back about 20 years or so it shouldn't be too hard.

If everyone could please send me as much information as they know to my email address

I will post all the information I have as I get it on a website with the ability for comments. This will give everyone the opportunity to give feedback so we make as little mistakes as possible.

Thank you

Set from my Cube tablet.


Staff member
I would like to start a genealogy report for the Savannah breed since it looks like it only goes back about 20 years or so it shouldn't be too hard.

If everyone could please send me as much information as they know to my email address

I will post all the information I have as I get it on a website with the ability for comments. This will give everyone the opportunity to give feedback so we make as little mistakes as possible.

Thank you

Set from my Cube tablet.

What do you mean by genealogy report - you need to give a lot more info about what exactly you want to do before anyone will likely contribute.



A genealogy report is the same as a family tree. If I can get as much information as possible about as many savannah cats and it's parents and grandparents. I should be able too tell everyone the percentage of serval is in their cats. I will make sure that I post everything so everyone can see and comment and talk about possible mistakes.

Set from my Cube tablet.


Staff member
You will need a pretty serious breeder program to take on a project like there. There are already breeder programs available - I would suggest if you want to do something like this you work with Jim Smith since he already has quite a large database of Savannahs.