Savannah Super Cat
Sorry if this is a duplicate post; I searched the threads and couldn't find one like this.
I have a 10-month old F4 SBT male Savannah. He is neutered, but has always been a real 'boy'. Very bossy, very energetic, very strong and very much the boss of my two, three-year old DSH females (even when he was a little kitten). That being said, he can also be a sweet and loving boy, but he has weight and size on his size.
My F4 is now more than double the weight of my two much smaller DSH cats (he is 20 pounds) and he has decided to pick on one of them all of the sudden. He treats her like she is prey; he attacks her whenever he gets the chance - which is every waking moment. At first, I watched carefully and it just looked like play to me, but now things have changed. She SCREAMS when he bites her and hisses and spits and growls. She cannot defend herself any more. I used to put my savannah in the kennel for bad behaviour but that doesn't seem to rectify anything. I checked my female over carefully and don't find any injuries/ no blood or anything, but she is terrified of my savannah now. She has lived under my futon couch for two weeks now and is staring to pee and poo on the floor whereever she is standing. It is awful. What makes it worse, is that her sister - the other DSH is now attacking her too. Could she be sick and that is why ny Savannah started going after her in the first place? I just don't know what to do, short of moving my DSH to a new home. It's a terrible, terrible situation. I apprediate any advice you can provide.
I have a 10-month old F4 SBT male Savannah. He is neutered, but has always been a real 'boy'. Very bossy, very energetic, very strong and very much the boss of my two, three-year old DSH females (even when he was a little kitten). That being said, he can also be a sweet and loving boy, but he has weight and size on his size.
My F4 is now more than double the weight of my two much smaller DSH cats (he is 20 pounds) and he has decided to pick on one of them all of the sudden. He treats her like she is prey; he attacks her whenever he gets the chance - which is every waking moment. At first, I watched carefully and it just looked like play to me, but now things have changed. She SCREAMS when he bites her and hisses and spits and growls. She cannot defend herself any more. I used to put my savannah in the kennel for bad behaviour but that doesn't seem to rectify anything. I checked my female over carefully and don't find any injuries/ no blood or anything, but she is terrified of my savannah now. She has lived under my futon couch for two weeks now and is staring to pee and poo on the floor whereever she is standing. It is awful. What makes it worse, is that her sister - the other DSH is now attacking her too. Could she be sick and that is why ny Savannah started going after her in the first place? I just don't know what to do, short of moving my DSH to a new home. It's a terrible, terrible situation. I apprediate any advice you can provide.