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Scammer from Alaska (or wherever)


Staff member
From: "Mccalli Davidson" <>


Hi there ,
i have two adorable F2 Savannah kitten's.the kitten's are home raised , well socialized with kids and also get along perfectly with other house pets . they are pure breed F2 Savannah kitten's and are both TICA registered. their weighs is for the
male he is 1.1lbs and the female is 1.2lbs will be approximately
12.01lbs full grown. they are updated on all their shots and will come along with a year health guarantee each.they love to be carried around and cuddled and full of caressing and kisses because they are still kitten's. They are 11 weeks old .

The reason i am giving them out is because they formerly belonged to my only daughter but she died just some few weeks back in a car accident when she was coming back from school. so i don't like see them around me
anymore because they drive me to think of my daughter's dead that is why i will like to give them out to a good animal loving home .they really need a home where they will be provided with all the love, care and attention they are being deprived of here.i am not selling the kitten's. i just want a good animal loving home for them . hope you understand. all you are required to pay is just the shipping of the kitten's to your location .

i am located in Anchorage ALASKA and i am willing to have the kitten's of shipped to your location. So, i will like to know the following from you :
where are you located ? state , city ?
have you ever owned a kitten before ?
do you have kids or anyone that can always keep the kitten(s) company?
how soon do you want the kitten(s)
do you want both kitten's or just one and if one , then what sex ?
you have to promise me to take very good care of the kitten and send me photos regularly so that i can see how the kitten is growing up with you .

I have a very good animal delivery agency here that delivers animals nationwide and they are very experienced . all you are required to pay to have any of the kitten is just their shipping fee .

The cost of shipping one kitten is $250 and the cost of shipping the two kitten's is $500

i have attached some of their recent photos with this mail . the male kitten and the female .

expecting your response soon.

have a nice day,
McCalli Davidson


If the kittens are just now 11 weeks old and the daughter died "several weeks ago" then how old were they when she supposedly bought them? 6 weeks? And there are only 2 kittens but you have a choice of sex for both of them? This story is so filled with smelly cheesy holes, but obviously people for it.

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
Hold on. 11 week old kittens.... daughter passed away in a car accident few weeks ago..... puts the kittens around 8 weeks or less... coming home from school..... who in their right mind has 2 very young kittens at school? or raising the kittens for the daughter away at school? Huh? And 1.1 pounds. Every DSH or SV I have ever had as a kitten at 11 weeks did not weigh that amount. Very good animal delivery.... that would be an airline / airfreight company. Lots of those around. Maybe a breeder could let us know if the shipping price is fixed or variable depending upon the distance. I'm thinking it's variable based on distance and if international.
I'm curious Paige, how did you run across this "offer"?

Trish Allearz

Flight prices are a bit variable- some is the health certificate prices- I've heard of vets asking as much as $75 for a health certificate to fly, where you get your crates from and the size of crate, and then the actual shipment itself is dependent upon weight. International would be a lot more- I think when I looked at importing a puppy, I was looking at like $800 in shipping alone?


Staff member
Someone emailed me and let me know, i think...our it could have been posted to another list...

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