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Scary story, 2 happy endings


Staff member
Those of you who have been around awhile know of my challenge socializing Maliik. It took 1.5 yrs to completely gain his trust and another 1.5 yrs to be able to touch him without him cringing. He can be petted now but picking him up is still a work in progress and at great risk to me.

Last night, DH disobeyed the cardinal rule of closing doors and tried to bring in the cat stroller while the garage door was open. Maliik was in the laundry room and escaped. He ran into our neighbor's backyard, low fenced and backing a very busy street. For the 20 minutes it took us to convince him this was a bad idea, I swear I didn't draw a breath and my heart was hammering in my chest. Luckily he realized he'd made an error in judgment and ran back into the house where he took refuge on top of the laundry room cabinets.

I headed to the tequila, poured 2 knuckles worth and downed it in one swallow, staggered to the couch in sheer emotional exhaustion and proceeded to cry at what could have happened and in relief that he was ok. Maliik came into the living room and sat on the floor near me. Then he jumped up on the couch and sat next to me which is not unusual. I invited him into my lap and lo and behold, he puts his paws on my leg and lays his head down. I stopped breathing again. I've waited for this for soooo long and would often tell him that if sat in my lap just once a year, I would be happy.

I wasn't sure what he'd do if I tried to pet him but took the chance and he hurled as much of his body onto my lap as would fit, curled up as best he could and took a nap. I was stunned, started crying so hard I had snot running down my face. Hell, I've got tears running down my face now. HE SAT IN MY LAP. OMG OMG OMG HE SAT IN MY LAP. Those of you who have faced similar challenges know how this feels -- it's indescribable.

So, I got my wish and an early birthday present from my boy, and a reminder that miracles happen.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Very scary stuff, I understand the panic you felt but wonderful that he ran back to your home and was safe!

And it seems he responded to your need for comfort which is huge... definitely a huge step in your relationship and I hope it continues to blossom :)


Staff member
Thanks Brigitte. I was thinking up a thousand ways to punish DH for being careless but it was evident from the look on his face that he felt like a schmuck. And, I know he was terrified at what I'd do if anything bad had happened to Maliik. I know it's a lesson learned the hard way and he won't repeat the mistake. I have to go over to the neighbor's today and apologize for what probably scared them to death. They're elderly and I can't imagine what went through their minds to see me creeping around their bushes with a flashlight in my mouth, a blanket in one hand and a feather wand in the other. LOL.​


Staff member
Awww Deborah, what an emotional roller coaster, but what an incredible ending!! It seems Maliik just needed that bird's eye view of how ugly the real world truly is to appreciate what a good life you have given him. He may never be a lap cat, but there has definitely been a breakthrough and I believe you are both heading to a wonderful future :up:

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
They're elderly and I can't imagine what went through their minds to see me creeping around their bushes with a flashlight in my mouth, a blanket in one hand and a feather wand in the other.​
This is normal behavior for me in my neighborhood.;) Mayhem and Rascal have a reputation for bolting occasionally.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Yikes! Well if they keep getting out, I hope that your luck holds in getting them back unharmed!

No way to make your house more secure for coming and going with no kitty escapes?

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
Yikes! Well if they keep getting out, I hope that your luck holds in getting them back unharmed! No way to make your house more secure for coming and going with no kitty escapes?

Well the cold weather is helping! They don't like the cold. And putting the screen in the upstairs window helped. As of late, they don't run too far unless chasing a bird. And it helps not yelling, but just slowly walking up to them and picking them up. The problem is if they see a chipmunk, but we don't, and we go out the sliding door, they can become a blur. The worst was Mayhem going on a walkabout for eight hours (out the upstairs window, which the cleaning lady left open). Eventually his stomach brought him home. Fortunately this hasn't happened lately.