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Sorte's First Time Fetching

Paul B

I have tried numerous toys (including this one) many times now with no luck on getting him to fetch. Most of the time he wouldn't play with anything I threw at all. Just smell it, maybe bat it once and walk away. Sorte just decided to magically start bringing this "krinkly" ball back for me today! :) I was so happy I had to get the camera out. Hehe I just wish it was a little heavier so i could throw it farther for him. Might add a bit of tape to it for weight (they are only $.99 at Petco).


Paul B

Thanks. :) Yes, there is definitely a mutual love there. LOL! ;) No, I haven't tried those foam balls yet. I will have to get some and see what he thinks about those, thanks for the tip Paige. At least those will probably throw further and roll better. I am very glad he found something that he like to fetch though. Another fun way to tire him out a bit. The way he crawls between my legs and drops it is amazing too. Hehe.

Paul B

Kovu LOVES those crinkly balls from Petco! lol
And Sorte is HUGE! :) .. and very handsome.

LOL! Of course it's the cheapest toy I've "bought" him too. He always plays with the stuff I make him, but he slowly enjoying the other stuff now. Haha! I think they really like the noise those balls make. :)

Sorte thanks you for the compliment too Ashley. ;-)


Savannah Super Cat
LOL! Of course it's the cheapest toy I've "bought" him too. He always plays with the stuff I make him, but he slowly enjoying the other stuff now. Haha! I think they really like the noise those balls make. :)

Sorte thanks you for the compliment too Ashley. ;-)
Its always the cheap son was like that too. As a toddler his favorite thing to play with was a rice spoon. lol
So far his shiny wand and the crinkle balls are his fave. The crinkle balls are kind of shiny also now that I think about it.

Paul B

Its always the cheap son was like that too. As a toddler his favorite thing to play with was a rice spoon. lol
So far his shiny wand and the crinkle balls are his fave. The crinkle balls are kind of shiny also now that I think about it.

That's true too. I didn't think about the shiny part. I have been looking for a shiny noisy wand too, but haven't found a good one in the stores here.


Staff member
Sorte looks fabulous! Talk about a soul mate -- looks like you and he are it. Mine never fetched beyond kittenhood. I still try though, only it consists of me running up and down the hall doing the fetching while the cats sit there looking at me with their heads cocked to one side.


Savannah Super Cat

Paul B

Sorte looks fabulous! Talk about a soul mate -- looks like you and he are it. Mine never fetched beyond kittenhood. I still try though, only it consists of me running up and down the hall doing the fetching while the cats sit there looking at me with their heads cocked to one side.

Hahaha, Deborah that sounds exactly like my previous attempts at trying to get him to fetch. I'm sure he thought it was quite entertaining at how enthusiastic I sounded about throwing his toys and getting them for him. LOL! Thank you too. :)

Ashley: Thank you for the tip. I will have to look around to see if there are any of those little stores around my house. If not, I'll just order some via Amazon Prime if possible (or learn how to make a couple). :)