Loyal Servant
This little girl is definitely vocal about not getting her way. It sounds like I would have stepped on her for this gargling like scream she makes from her stomach when I a) move her off the counter to set her down, b) deny her something she wants. Obviously moving her off the counter makes the noise go several octaves louder! This is the normal, hi human, I love you meow gargle but ramped up in intensity.
She doesn't seem slighted for not getting her way and is learning to remain off the counter during food prep steadily to where I only need to move her off twice before she gets the hint. The first few days were like fighting a rubber band stretching back to position where I had to stand up and prepare the food in the air from how insistent and QUICK she was.
This girl is lightning fast, I will give her that. Once she gains weight I will have less concern someone stealing her food and supervising meals.
She doesn't seem slighted for not getting her way and is learning to remain off the counter during food prep steadily to where I only need to move her off twice before she gets the hint. The first few days were like fighting a rubber band stretching back to position where I had to stand up and prepare the food in the air from how insistent and QUICK she was.
This girl is lightning fast, I will give her that. Once she gains weight I will have less concern someone stealing her food and supervising meals.