Savannah Super Cat
Hello! We have two baby Savannah's that we will be adopting once they are of age to fly!
But we were hoping to get opinions on neuter/spay options. Our top two vet options differ by type of stitches, medication, and monitoring.
Vet A: dissolvable stitches, both go home after surgery, male gets no meds. Vet tech states the doctor is familiar with Savannahs. One doctor only and many vet nurses.
Vet B: comes back to remove stitches, female must stay overnight, and both get medication for pain. This place is overall more expensive and we do not mind the difference ($250 for both) if it means better surgery care. Vet tech states she specializes in Bengals. Bigger practice with multiple doctors and multiple vet nurses.
I'm unsure of if there is a better method but we are leaning toward the latter vet as it seems like more care. Would you say in your experience that one type of treatment or stitches is more healthy or absolutely necessary for the Savannahs? Or with regards to surgery they need more care than other cat breeds?
Both use 100% isoflurane.
But we were hoping to get opinions on neuter/spay options. Our top two vet options differ by type of stitches, medication, and monitoring.
Vet A: dissolvable stitches, both go home after surgery, male gets no meds. Vet tech states the doctor is familiar with Savannahs. One doctor only and many vet nurses.
Vet B: comes back to remove stitches, female must stay overnight, and both get medication for pain. This place is overall more expensive and we do not mind the difference ($250 for both) if it means better surgery care. Vet tech states she specializes in Bengals. Bigger practice with multiple doctors and multiple vet nurses.
I'm unsure of if there is a better method but we are leaning toward the latter vet as it seems like more care. Would you say in your experience that one type of treatment or stitches is more healthy or absolutely necessary for the Savannahs? Or with regards to surgery they need more care than other cat breeds?
Both use 100% isoflurane.