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Anyone think this will work: - has anyone tried them?
I've used several different versions of these sorts of things. Mostly the kits will step over them. They don't like the hard surface under their feet. In a session with an animal communicator over Dante's peeing issues, she said that he directly communicated that he didn't like those things (no, I hadn't told her I had one).

So far this one has worked best for me:

Purrfect Paws Litter Mat

Sorry, don't know why the picture won't show up. :-/


Staff member
That one looks promising ;)

Right now I use two pieces of flat sisal sheets and it is working well...I am always on the lookout though for new ways to stop tracking ;)


Me too. I originally found it in a group discussing CatGenie. The litter pellets in the CatGenie used to get everywhere. I put together a combo of the mat above and something similar to your link (but with curved holes that are kinder to kitty feet, I'll see if I can find a link) and that pretty much eliminated the tracking. Then I got Dante and had to remove the plastic one but the rubber one works well alone, I rarely get a single pellet. Sadly, only Duma uses the CatGenie these days but the rubber mat serves for both boxes.

Edit: I can't find the mat as sold separately but you can see it here, instead of little squares it has bars, and the bars are rounded to be softer on the feet. Before this one I had the kind with squares. Several different ones.

SageKing Litter box and Track Mat

Here it is at Petco:
SageKing Soft Touch Track Mat

Catches the litter from your cat's paws as he exits the litter boxHelps keep litter area cleanThe soft touch grid helps release litter from paws into the tray below


Staff member
Very good, Dantes and Deborah! They all look interesting and as though they will work.


I was thinking I really liked the idea of the sisal mats. They're probably a bit harder to clean but certainly the kits wouldn't complain about walking on them. Are they like the ones you see at Ikea? Or do they have deeper crevices to stop the tracking?


Savannah Super Cat
Anyone have any tricks to keep dogs out of boxes? I know someone keeps them up high on a shelf. I keep some in the closet. I do have a few smaller ones here and there for the kittens that I don't know what to do about. They just get frequently raided.:uh oh: