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Strange head swaying behavior


Savannah Adult
I had to take my F3 Charlie in to the vet today because of a strange behavior. He's been perfectly fine since we picked him up from the breeder two months ago, but this afternoon (about two hours ago) he started acting strangely. He kept swinging his head from side to side, nonstop. And he wouldn't react to anything - toys which he usually attacks, he looked like he couldn't see them. It got pretty bad-almost violent swinging of his head and neck like he was trying to spin around.
I took him to the vet. The vet checked his vitals, eyes and ears, temperature... All normal. But they couldn't figure out why he kept swinging back and forth. Said it was "atypical presentation".

They are gong to keep him overnight, give him a sedative so he doesn't hurt himself, and do a transfusion on him to flush his system in case it was a toxic poisoning or something. Does this ring a bell with anyone? And do you have any suggestions?
He's had all of his necessary boosters and shots, and he's been indoor only. Eats well... He's over 8lbs already.
We're very worried...

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
Oh no....I have not heard of those symptoms before. Is it at all possible he may have injured himself....hit his head or neck somehow, was accidently slammed in a doorway, or fell from a great height?

It almost sounds to me like a seizure.....I hope and pray your vet can figure out why Charlie is doing this. Praying also for a quick recovery!

Green eyed kitty

Mystique the dog/cat;Seraphimah spunky kitty
My cat ate a flying bug (in the house), which wouldn't go down her throat very well. She went into that head swaying motion for about half hour. Took her paws and was making a motion from her neck to her mouth. I finally managed to get her to drink some water and she stopped. Is it possible your cat swallowed something? If I hadn't seen my cat swallow something, I wouldn't have known why she was doing the head swaying thing. Maybe it is the same thing?

The other thought is maybe your cat ran into a wall or something and injured his neck and head?

Hope you are able to find out what is wrong?


Staff member
I had a cat that constantly tilted his head but did not do the swaying/shaking bit. He had an inner ear tumor that was growing into his brain. One brain surgery and a multi-thousand dollar vet bill later he was completely healed.


Loyal Servant
So strange! Hopefully it's something they are reacting to they ate or drank rather then neurological or an injury. Rest up and hope for good news from the vet in the AM.


Savannah Super Cat
Sure hope everything turns out well! Prayers for you and Charlie. Please keep us posted.


I had to take my F3 Charlie in to the vet today because of a strange behavior. He's been perfectly fine since we picked him up from the breeder two months ago, but this afternoon (about two hours ago) he started acting strangely. He kept swinging his head from side to side, nonstop. And he wouldn't react to anything - toys which he usually attacks, he looked like he couldn't see them. It got pretty bad-almost violent swinging of his head and neck like he was trying to spin around.
I took him to the vet. The vet checked his vitals, eyes and ears, temperature... All normal. But they couldn't figure out why he kept swinging back and forth. Said it was "atypical presentation".

They are gong to keep him overnight, give him a sedative so he doesn't hurt himself, and do a transfusion on him to flush his system in case it was a toxic poisoning or something. Does this ring a bell with anyone? And do you have any suggestions?
He's had all of his necessary boosters and shots, and he's been indoor only. Eats well... He's over 8lbs already.
We're very worried...


Savannah Adult
Hey folks, Charlie is back home. The vet team still doesn't know what's wrong with him. They kept him overnight, checked on him all night, did a fluid flush on him, and he has some medication. But they really were stunned at the behavior... never saw anything like it. Frankly, I'm surprised that it was so abnormal that the vets had no explanation.
He's completely back to "normal" (in quotes because Charlie's normal is quite crazy). They think its either 1. Some toxin he got into; 2. Possibly a toxoplasmosis infection or something like that; 3. A genetic disorder, possibly something called hydrocephalus - water on the brain.
We will have to get an MRI if it happens again, and those were the vet's orders, but I'm thinking we will get him one anyway.

Anyone have a recommendation on the best pet insurance? Looking for affordable...

Thanks for all of the well wishes. And a few people asked if he maybe took a fall.... He very well may have, but I didn't see it.