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Taji visits the vet today


Staff member
At his annual checkup his blood values were off. He has cycles where he eats fine for a few months, then starts throwing up and his appetite diminishes. I wanted to wait on retesting until he was in his vomiting phase in hopes that we can figure out what's going on. He is 10.34 lbs. so missing a day or two of meals isn't good at all. He has been very quiet these last 2 days, very unlike him. We leave in an hour so please send good vibes our way,


Staff member
Blood work shows elevated eosinophils and lymphocytes. Everything else is in normal range. Urine is concentrated, no blood. He was dehydrated and lost 5 oz. They gave him sub-q fluids, anti-nausea meds and I'm supposed to deworm him if he eats tomorrow just in case elevated counts are due to worms. Won't have pancrea test results until tomorrow.


Staff member
Deborah, I hope Taji is ok...sounds like he could have some kind of infection brewing...


Staff member
I'm so sorry that Taji is not feeling well, I hope that you can get to the bottom of the problem. I find it interesting that the eosinophils were also elevated - is it possible that he is allergic to something in his diet? Has he ever been evaluated for eosinophilic granulomatosis (rodent ulcer)?

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Allergies or parasites can elevate eosinophils... so the worming is a good thought. Hope he feels brighter tomorrow!


Staff member
He's much better. He started to improve 2 days after vet visit. and I gave him the Drontal last week. He's eating normally and back to his silly self. I want to take him back next week for a recheck blood panel to see if his values are normal.