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Taking Cat Outside


Evelyn H

I was just watching Paige's video of Taj in his spiffy jacket walking outside. Can't help but smile watching Taj strutting about.

It reminded me of a question I have been wondering about. What about the concern of fleas or maybe some kind of germ or something left behind by some other animal? I have seen somewhere a recommendation that one never take a Savannah outside because they might pick up something not good for them. I have also read and seen videos about how neat it is to walk your Savannah outside. We have been thinking how fun it will be to walk our Savannahs, but...? Also, we live in a regular residential area with lots of dogs (ALMOST always behind fences or on leashes). If a dog on a leash barked at my cat, wouldn't that freak out the cat? Thoughts?

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
It depends on how paranoid you want to be. Do you not let a child play in a public playground because they might pick up germs? Not take a dog for a walk because they might meet another dog and catch something? Yes, they might pick up fleas outside so keeping them up to date with a flea preventative is likely a good thing.

Yes, a dog barking might freak out your depends on your cat. Some of mine tend to freak the dog out instead and they don't know what to do with a cat that doesn't run away from them! When at a park and a large dog approaches I do tend to decide whether I want to pick my cat up for safety's sake or not... we also tend to choose parks that don't have off-leash dogs for that reason.

Evelyn H

It depends on how paranoid you want to be. Do you not let a child play in a public playground because they might pick up germs? Not take a dog for a walk because they might meet another dog and catch something? Yes, they might pick up fleas outside so keeping them up to date with a flea preventative is likely a good thing.

Yes, a dog barking might freak out your depends on your cat. Some of mine tend to freak the dog out instead and they don't know what to do with a cat that doesn't run away from them! When at a park and a large dog approaches I do tend to decide whether I want to pick my cat up for safety's sake or not... we also tend to choose parks that don't have off-leash dogs for that reason.
Haha, I loved your comment about the dog being the one to freak out :) I've always had dogs and cats that went outside and never even gave it a thought before. When we had a Siberian Husky we did use the flea drop treatment, so, now that you mention it, I am aware of those treatments. I have a friend who has two Siamese cats. When telling her about how we were looking forward to walking our cats (cats that don't even exist yet, hehe), she warned that you must never take them outside. It made me wonder. Thanks for putting it into perspective :)


Staff member
I usually walk around the neighborhood which, fortunately, has few outdoor pet cats and dogs are always on leash. We have low flea populations due to our winters but this will likely change this year because it's so darn warm.

I also walk them in cemeteries, mostly on paved paths, because there aren't very many dogs to be found in them and the grounds are well kept so not a lot of wild animal poop to be seen. In one cemetery in particular, the grounds crew is so in love with Juba, who loves water, that they turn on the sprinklers when we visit just so they can watch him play in the water. Now that is a spoiled cat.:cool:


I am still getting my Savannah used to walking on a leash. Right now we visit pet stores or I just walk him around my condo association parking lot. When he sees a strange dog he hisses spits and puffs up, it really upsets him. I try my best to avoid going places close to other dogs. Funny though because if we bring a new dog inside, Kronos is much more brave and makes friends pretty quick! Outside is still so new to him, I think that is why he feels a little less secure out there.


Staff member
Thank you, Evelyn. I love when walking Taj, how the neighbors respond to him. even the gnarliest person just has to smile...he is so happy when outside...and many people come to pet him and he is very much a people kind of guy, so loves all the attention.

I started Taj out when he was a kitten and I also live in a townhouse development. Ours is very pet-friendly and we have lots of dogs. we also have lots of trees and streams and woods ;-] I have pictures of Taj and his first walking jacket when he was a kitten below...he was very funny! And he did freak out once when he heard a loud noise...he jumped and twisted himself out of his jacket and ran as fast as he could. I was petrified! I headed in the direction he ran and then back to my house and there he was sitting by the door, waiting to go in. Was I ever lucky!!!

That did happen a couple of more times, but now Taj is 2 and 1/2 years old and trots just like a dog. He meets many dogs now and while they will try to play with him, barking and wagging their tails, he is having none of it. He just sits there and hisses and scares the tails off those dogs...the poor dogs just want to play and Taj actually stares them down and doesn't move, unless they get too close. Then he may back up a little, but not far ;)

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