Hi my name is Dawn and on May 20, 2012 I bought an F2B female Savannah kitten. She was 3 months old and we named her Jazzy.
We're having many of the same problems I have been readying on here. We have had her for 2 months now and things are getting a lot better. The first few days we had her my 5yr. old son and I kept her in his bedroom with the door shut away from our other cats. We have 3 other regular house cats... 2 females and 1 male. Jazzy didn't come out at first and just hid. It only took 2 days before she started to eat and drink. My son and I kept talking to her and trying to get her to come out and play. It took about 2 weeks before she started to actually play with us but never let us touch her and did nothing but hiss and claw. To make a long story short My son and I finally got her to sleep with us and play with us and even let us pet her but only on her terms. That took 1 month.
After a few days of keeping her in his bed room we finally opened the door and it took a month before she would venture out into the hall way to play. Here it is into our second month of having her and she has come a long way. She is now out and running through the whole house, but now she spends most of her time in our kitchen and no longer goes to our son's room. Her new hiding place is under the cabinets or she opens them with her paws and gets inside to hide. She doesn't run or hide from my son and I, but she doesn't like my husband to much. That's understandable since he hasn't tried to spend as much time with her as my son and I. Just in the past 2 days my husband has finally listened to me and started trying to play with her and at this very moment they are laying on the kitchen floor playing so over the past 2 days her attitude towards him has changed.
Jazzy is a very beautiful, funny, and loving cat, but we are still working on a few issues. Some of those issues include... she doesn't like to be picked up or held, she hisses at you when you first walk up to her then she stops and just gives us the stare down and then plays, she doesn't let us pet her as often as we would like but she will let us only if we play with her first and she still claws us when we put our hands in front of her to smell, but lets go quick and then licks us. They aren't the real problems. She adores our son and she comes out as soon as she hears his voice and they will play all day. He holds conversations with her and she responds by chirping constantly. It's funny because she doesn't really meow... just chirps a lot. So in all actuality she is coming along great but we just wish she would lay with us and let us pet her.
So to get to the main issues... I have 1 and my husband has 1. My issue is more concerning then his. The problem is that 2 of our other 3 cats want to kill her. As soon as they she her it's like a royal rumble. We have to break them up. Jazzy just runs and hides under the kitchen cabinets or jumps on the kitchen counter because the 2 cats that attack her are to fat to jump up onto the counter. Now I'm use to this kind of behavior because every time I brought a new kitten home they went through a battle period, but these battles are much horrible then I've ever seen. I know it takes time, but in the mean time is there anything I can do to help them along?
My husband's issue is that Jazzy walks around with her mouth open all the time sometimes making what sounds like a panting noise and he said he doesn't trust her. Funny because he's the one who wanted a Savannah cat and this isn't really an issue with me because I had another cat that I lost to cancer last year that use to do the same thing, just not as often.
I just want peace between all my cats so that Jazzy can come out fully because I think it's the attack of the killer cats holding her back some.
Thank you,
Jazzy sleeping with our son Corey
Jazzy playing with my legs in bed
Jazzy playing with her toy
Jazzy our beautiful F2B female Savannah

We're having many of the same problems I have been readying on here. We have had her for 2 months now and things are getting a lot better. The first few days we had her my 5yr. old son and I kept her in his bedroom with the door shut away from our other cats. We have 3 other regular house cats... 2 females and 1 male. Jazzy didn't come out at first and just hid. It only took 2 days before she started to eat and drink. My son and I kept talking to her and trying to get her to come out and play. It took about 2 weeks before she started to actually play with us but never let us touch her and did nothing but hiss and claw. To make a long story short My son and I finally got her to sleep with us and play with us and even let us pet her but only on her terms. That took 1 month.
After a few days of keeping her in his bed room we finally opened the door and it took a month before she would venture out into the hall way to play. Here it is into our second month of having her and she has come a long way. She is now out and running through the whole house, but now she spends most of her time in our kitchen and no longer goes to our son's room. Her new hiding place is under the cabinets or she opens them with her paws and gets inside to hide. She doesn't run or hide from my son and I, but she doesn't like my husband to much. That's understandable since he hasn't tried to spend as much time with her as my son and I. Just in the past 2 days my husband has finally listened to me and started trying to play with her and at this very moment they are laying on the kitchen floor playing so over the past 2 days her attitude towards him has changed.
Jazzy is a very beautiful, funny, and loving cat, but we are still working on a few issues. Some of those issues include... she doesn't like to be picked up or held, she hisses at you when you first walk up to her then she stops and just gives us the stare down and then plays, she doesn't let us pet her as often as we would like but she will let us only if we play with her first and she still claws us when we put our hands in front of her to smell, but lets go quick and then licks us. They aren't the real problems. She adores our son and she comes out as soon as she hears his voice and they will play all day. He holds conversations with her and she responds by chirping constantly. It's funny because she doesn't really meow... just chirps a lot. So in all actuality she is coming along great but we just wish she would lay with us and let us pet her.
So to get to the main issues... I have 1 and my husband has 1. My issue is more concerning then his. The problem is that 2 of our other 3 cats want to kill her. As soon as they she her it's like a royal rumble. We have to break them up. Jazzy just runs and hides under the kitchen cabinets or jumps on the kitchen counter because the 2 cats that attack her are to fat to jump up onto the counter. Now I'm use to this kind of behavior because every time I brought a new kitten home they went through a battle period, but these battles are much horrible then I've ever seen. I know it takes time, but in the mean time is there anything I can do to help them along?
My husband's issue is that Jazzy walks around with her mouth open all the time sometimes making what sounds like a panting noise and he said he doesn't trust her. Funny because he's the one who wanted a Savannah cat and this isn't really an issue with me because I had another cat that I lost to cancer last year that use to do the same thing, just not as often.
I just want peace between all my cats so that Jazzy can come out fully because I think it's the attack of the killer cats holding her back some.
Thank you,
Jazzy sleeping with our son Corey

Jazzy playing with my legs in bed

Jazzy playing with her toy

Jazzy our beautiful F2B female Savannah