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This bothers me

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
Me too....why can't the animals be spayed or neutered instead...or is it a draw for the public to see baby animals being raised by the parent animals....

Trish Allearz

Me too....why can't the animals be spayed or neutered instead...or is it a draw for the public to see baby animals being raised by the parent animals....
That's what I think it is, Pam. They said in the article, "Oh, nature dictates when we euthanize"- but except for the tigers that were accidentally bred (I think)- they let them go through the cutesie stage and then euth them. Well, damn- I'd prefer the birth control method they use in the United States. And I CANNOT imagine being a zookeeper, having to raise and care for these babies born in MY zoo, and then saying, "Well, let's slip the big needle with the pink fluid in your leg today!" I understand- it's population control, I understand in nature, some survive and some don't- but if we are going 'all natural'- let's let the animals breed on their OWN and then raise the babies ON THEIR OWN and then put the prey animals WITH them- the predators would keep the prey population down, right? At least that would be a start of being 'more natural'.


Staff member
OMG - I had no idea this went on in European zoos...makes me sick! To think of these animals being raised past the baby stage and then euthanized because????

BC, S/N anyone??? Hello??? I wonder if the people who visited the zoos knew this, what they would say? how barbaric!!!