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Thought this was interesting - Ocicats


Savannah Super Cat
A friend of mine just sent me a link about the breed of cat called Ocicats. Never heard of them before, but I'm sure a lot of people here probably have. They are bred from domestics only and have no wild lineage. But I think its remarkable how much they look like Savannahs. It's scary to think about it, but I'm sure someone could pass one off as an F5 or F6. Here is a link to one of the breeders I found by doing a quick search. I'm sure a lot of you would agree they resemble Savannah's quite a bit. Some of them even have the large ears.

Either way, I thought they were interesting nonetheless so I wanted to share.

Todd L

Savannah Super Cat
A friend of mine just sent me a link about the breed of cat called Ocicats. Never heard of them before, but I'm sure a lot of people here probably have. They are bred from domestics only and have no wild lineage. But I think its remarkable how much they look like Savannahs. It's scary to think about it, but I'm sure someone could pass one off as an F5 or F6. Here is a link to one of the breeders I found by doing a quick search. I'm sure a lot of you would agree they resemble Savannah's quite a bit. Some of them even have the large ears.

Either way, I thought they were interesting nonetheless so I wanted to share.

Thanks. I've heard of them but haven't done much research on the breed.

Sent from my Savannah's ipad.

Melody Waara

Spotlight Savannahs
If I remember correctly, Ocicats were a permissible outcross breed during the development of the Savannah.
Other breeds with the spotted look with no "wild" lineage include the Australian Mist, California Spangled Cat, Cheetoh and the Serengeti. The Serengeti seems to have the biggest ears.

Great substitutes for those that can't have a Savannah.


Savannah Super Cat
I had one. He was my baby for eleven years. If I was in the house, he was glued to my side. Loving, playful, amazing. He passed from oral cancer a little over two years ago. They are fantastic companions. RIP Baby, you are missed.


Savannah Super Cat
One of my stud cats is a Cheetoh and he is a sweetheart! I am looking forward to retiring him this year so he can do what he really loves--which is just hang out and be a pet.