Things are getting back to normal so ive got some time to tell my tale.Day one stayed in Vegas-hated it.Day two driver picked up myself and another person who wanted to see hoover dam,so i saw that.Got to Arden Morleys ranch a beautiful place mountains all around.I met triton(cat i was picking up)the i met all the other cats in the house.I even befriended a cat that hated men and never makes contact with us guys but it loved me.I quicklie saw the time-effort-and dedication Arden and Chris Morley put in to the breeding of savannahs,bengals and the 200 rescue cats they lovingly care for.It was getting late so i hit the hay.Day three got up early to go with Mr Morley to get meat for the cats,got back to the ranch and took a walk in the desert...i loved it.The Morleys were very gracious hosts. We had steak and shrimp lunch then it was off to meet the servals and rescue cats.Arden took me on the tour... it was amazing,servals,geoffrey cats,bengals and a whole lotta rescue cats (i tried to pet everyone).Even got to meet Lady Delta Force the star savannah gracing the cover of 2012 Cats Usa magazine (what a honnor to have a cover).Then played with my cat and helped feed the cats.Had a lot of time talking to Arden and Chris,i told them it feels like i know both of you (de'ja vue)Spent the rest of the evening talking cats and cat care.I highly recomend this breeder to anyone looking for a well adjusted socialized kitten.And best of all, proceeds from savannah sales goes to support the no kill 200 cat rescue shelter.I felt very comfortable buying from the Morleys....who else would go out of thier way inviting a buyer into thier home ,let alone have the buyer stay a few days and feed them.My cat came with all shots needed till he's 1 year,a micro chip,a walking jacket,a very nice colman carrier that converts in to a bed when unziped,a book Arden had written,and other goodies.The trip home thru airport was a piece of cake no problems what so ever,cat was so well behaved i was asked if it was sedated i told them no just hand rasied by a very careing breeder.Now the fun starts this weds,triton get to check the house out and meet the other cats.