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Triple sneeze when waking up, strange, normal reaction to dust and mucus?


Loyal Servant
So my girl has this habit of stretching, sneezing two or three times, more stretching and normal wake up when she rises from sleep. She has done this twice in two days waking up and sneezed again randomly during the afternoon this past week (more normal). I don't think much is wrong as she doesn't have any runny eyes or other health issues, eats like a horse, and has a truck ton of energy.

Could it be just waking up she's more likely to need to clear her nose? I keep my place tidy, vacuuming every two days that does have a strong filter. But I might need to put that through another wash (typically once a month) just in case.

My Ra does sneeze and clear his nose when waking up once or twice and with a small shake of the head. He has a clean bill of health, but you can never be too careful when you introduce a new one!


So my girl has this habit of stretching, sneezing two or three times, more stretching and normal wake up when she rises from sleep. She has done this twice in two days waking up and sneezed again randomly during the afternoon this past week (more normal). I don't think much is wrong as she doesn't have any runny eyes or other health issues, eats like a horse, and has a truck ton of energy.

Could it be just waking up she's more likely to need to clear her nose? I keep my place tidy, vacuuming every two days that does have a strong filter. But I might need to put that through another wash (typically once a month) just in case.

My Ra does sneeze and clear his nose when waking up once or twice and with a small shake of the head. He has a clean bill of health, but you can never be too careful when you introduce a new one!
If a vaccine was recently given...could be a reaction ..or side effect that is sometimes seen? Dust mites perhaps or if you have any type of air freshener or spray anything? Maybe a different litter? As long as you are not seeing weepy eyes, runny nose or any other sign of not feeling well...the sneezing will probably leave as quickly as it came;>)


Loyal Servant
She has been getting her shots the last month in addition to spay, so it might be nothing and just me being paranoid.

On 1/17, she had snap test, ear swap, fecal, spay, microchip, rabies, FeLV
On 1/31, travel certification, ear infection all clear
On 2/1, travel home with me

That's a lot of stress and travel which might have weakened her immune response. She weighed in at 6lb even so after the spay and travel lost a little bit of weight, though 4oz is basically a meal and a half!

Where I live the humidity fluctuates from 30-70% and 1/4th mile from the ocean so it can get breezy which brings dust. No AC means I constantly have windows open. :)


I would try not to worry as long as there are no other symptoms of any illness. I have known some that do have a reaction to something in the rabies vaccine and the sneezing is one of them;>) Just love her and know that she will be fine;>)


I would try not to worry as long as there are no other symptoms of any illness. I have known some that do have a reaction to something in the rabies vaccine and the sneezing is one of them;>) Just love her and know that she will be fine;>)
I agree Shelby. Also, like people, cats will now and again sneeze. It does not mean they are ill, just like if I sneeze a few times it does not mean I have a cold.