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Trying to get Rufio to use his new litter and litter box


Savannah Super Cat
I got Rufio home last night and he seems to be in high spirits. The one concern I'm having is that he hasn't used the litter box yet or gone outside of it. He did finally eat something early this morning and he's been drinking regularly. I got home with him at about 6:00pm last night and it's about 10:00am right now. I would imagine he's still getting used to the place, but better safe than sorry. Thanks.


Staff member
It may take 24 hours or more, Josh...he is still getting used to his new surroundings...not to worry - it will happen ;)


Savannah Super Cat
Just an update. He started using the litter the second day and no accidents yet. So we're good! He does seem to have a pretty bad case of separation anxiety. Does anyone have any tips to calm him down while I'm not there?

MK Anderson

Keeba had bad separation anxiety too! I spent as much time with him as possible when he was awake! I think your boy is too big for what I did, but I filled a little tent with all my daughters stuffed animals and a soft sounding heart beat on the bottom he loved that. Again he was 12weeks old, not 6months!
I would just spend time with him as much as you can. Will you be introducing him to your finances dog after quarantined is done? he might like a companion.