Hi All,
Whole Life Pet Products (my cats love their chicken treats) is having a Valentines Day Pet Photo Contest! Here is the blurb they sent me:
Whole Life Pet Valentines Day Photo
Contest on FacebookEnter to win a Kindle Fire!Join us on Facebook for our Valentines Day Pet Photo contest.
For the next few weeks, we will be posting great photos submitted
from all over the world and awarding three prizes including
tons of Whole Life Treats as well as a Kindle Fire for 1st Place!
We just started the contest and already have hundreds of entries
with some photos getting thousands of likes so join the party!What Should You Do?
If you or your store has a facebook page, like us by going to
www.facebook.com/wholelifepet.Tell your customers and friends to enter their pets in our contest
for the chance to win some great prizes and mostly just to have fun!
Photos will be accepted through February 10th.
All photos can be submitted directly to jennifer@wholelifepet.com
Let us know if you submit a photo, so we can vote for your pic....please vote for Taj and Zuri's photo here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=336827769685332&set=pu.126677270700384&type=1&theater
Whole Life Pet Products (my cats love their chicken treats) is having a Valentines Day Pet Photo Contest! Here is the blurb they sent me:
Whole Life Pet Valentines Day Photo
Contest on FacebookEnter to win a Kindle Fire!Join us on Facebook for our Valentines Day Pet Photo contest.
For the next few weeks, we will be posting great photos submitted
from all over the world and awarding three prizes including
tons of Whole Life Treats as well as a Kindle Fire for 1st Place!
We just started the contest and already have hundreds of entries
with some photos getting thousands of likes so join the party!What Should You Do?
If you or your store has a facebook page, like us by going to
www.facebook.com/wholelifepet.Tell your customers and friends to enter their pets in our contest
for the chance to win some great prizes and mostly just to have fun!
Photos will be accepted through February 10th.
All photos can be submitted directly to jennifer@wholelifepet.com
Let us know if you submit a photo, so we can vote for your pic....please vote for Taj and Zuri's photo here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=336827769685332&set=pu.126677270700384&type=1&theater