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Vet recommendation in Memphis, TN/North MS Area


Savannah Super Cat
Not at all. We are getting ready to take him for his one year shots and basically want to get him established with a vet and would prefer if they have Savannah experience. I have called a few places, but none have really convinced me they know what they are doing when it comes to a breed like the Savannahs. I am definitely going to have to do more reading on the vaccines and what not. I know what they can't have, but not exactly all of what they "should" have, and I am just worried about this whole live vs. killed virus shot thing. Some say go for live, some say don't....


Staff member
Not at all. We are getting ready to take him for his one year shots and basically want to get him established with a vet and would prefer if they have Savannah experience. I have called a few places, but none have really convinced me they know what they are doing when it comes to a breed like the Savannahs. I am definitely going to have to do more reading on the vaccines and what not. I know what they can't have, but not exactly all of what they "should" have, and I am just worried about this whole live vs. killed virus shot thing. Some say go for live, some say don't....

Dave, savannahs are no different than other cats...that is a mistake people make...your vet does not need to know about savannahs - mine didn't....many of us use modified live with no is something you will have to decide for yourself...

Lori Greer

Cahaba Cats
Sorry for jumping on late. Just crazy busy lately and the next 2 weeks are looking insane too. LOL We are in Cookeville - about 4 - 5 hours from you, so I really don't know of any vets in the Memphis area. What is important is finding a vet that knows how to work with CATS. For the most part Savannahs should be vaccinated like any other cat as Paige noted. The risks associated with FeLV vaccine, rabies and the ineffectiveness of the FIP vaccine are true for all breeds.

The other thing I suggest is that you find a vet that will give a 3 year rabies vaccine as opposed to an annual. The state does not mandate one over the other, and many vets only provide a 1 year certificate even though they use a 3 year vaccine just to keep you coming back year after year. There is a yahoo group about this that I belong that fights against over vaccination and pressure to issue a state wide 3-year mandate on the vets who refuse to do so. If you can't find a vet that will give a 3 year, let me know and I'll see if I can get names of those who will that are nearby.