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What Happens if your cat gets stuck in the airport?


Savannah Super Cat
I'm actually in the final stages of finally getting my kittens. They were originally scheduled to fly in this tomorrow although I didn't receive enough of a heads up so I asked for them to reschedule. Turns out a pretty big blizzard is forecasted to arrive in the Nj area for tomorrow which will most likely make flying into Newark or any other tri-state area pretty much impossible. I feel pretty lucky I asked them to reschedule by chance but it got me thinking, what happens if your kitten is already in the air and It can't land in your airport or if the flight (my kittens have a connection) is cancelled altogether. I can imagine this is a nightmare situation, but has this happened to anyone on here? I feel like I've averted a disaster lol.


Loyal Servant
Hopefully the answer to this is NO!

I would think the airline would contact you and either allow you to make new travel arrangements or they would board it locally off-site until another flight. I do not think that they are responsible for food and water so if they force people to get a hotel, they would also need to contact a local pet boarding center if they could not reach you. Rescheduling is absolutely the best idea and they will happily do this at no charge.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
This is a downside to shipping kittens can get rerouted, delayed, cancelled.

Once we in Rescue were shipping a Serval (labeled a "high percentage F1" but with no papers to prove it) out of CA to MI where we had a home that was legal to own a Serval... the flight from San Diego to MI connected in Atlanta. The flight got delayed and the cat ended up having to stay overnight at the airport. We were frantic worrying about the legality in GA but it was fine. They were amazing actually, they took him to a kennel and let him out of the crate, fed and watered and next day managed to corral him back into that crate for the rest of the trip.

But if it were me, I would not want my kitten being shipped and if they had to be then I'd want a direct flight... the stress would kill me otherwise!

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Hopefully the answer to this is NO!

I would think the airline would contact you and either allow you to make new travel arrangements or they would board it locally off-site until another flight. I do not think that they are responsible for food and water so if they force people to get a hotel, they would also need to contact a local pet boarding center if they could not reach you. Rescheduling is absolutely the best idea and they will happily do this at no charge.
As to food, when shipped there is supposed to be a baggie of their food attached to the crate for these situations...


Staff member
I had this happen once, I had a cat being shipped to the east coast and her connecting flight was delayed because of a storm. She ended up having to stay overnight in another city - they sent her to a kennel for the stay. Of course we had to pay for it since it was an 'act of God' rather than because of any fault of the airline.

Trish Allearz

They kenneled Toby overnight (F7 kitten) without making me pay... Of course, it was their fault- they missed the connection, not me. It did stress me out- worse part was, they didn't notify the owner and she showed up at the airport to pick up her baby and he wasn't there!