He got this little Duma-print mouse from his breeder. He lurves that thing, literally to death. It is deaf, blind, nose-less and tail-less. He will carry it around the house and drop it at anyone's feet, then look up at you to say "Throw, please?" so you pick it up (it's probably a little soggy too) and throw it and he brings it back. He gets really excited if you pretend to throw it but don't, and gets a little depressed if you throw it in the same direction for too long. If for some strange reason he can't convince anyone to throw it, or if he's not in the asking mood, he will flip it up in the air by himself and make a rousing game of basketball-soccer with it. The rest of the time he just sleeps with it. There are few other toys Duma loves as much, although he'd hardly pass up a game of Da Bird (it doesn't matter if mousey or some other toy is already in his mouth he will chase and catch Da Bird with his mouth full--we've been through so many feathers, or he'll play with the plastic nub), or Can I Fit In This Box? (which he adopted from Ragdoll Games), or This Looks Like a Good Soccer Ball Lemme Kick It a Bit.
I would love to know how to get him a second Duma-print mouse, though. The size is just perfect for him, and I haven't yet found one like it. I doubt it will last too much longer.