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What noises does your cat produce?


and his servant, Paul
Before I got Nitro, I read all up on the various noises a SV might produce, and it seems that many of them don't apply. For example, the "snake hiss" - I'm not certain I've heard him hiss in the first place.

So, here's a list of noises my cat makes and when he makes them.

Heavy purr - when being petted, and sometimes while asleep. This sounds especially funny when he opens his mouth while purring.
Low growl - anytime he's upset or being selfish. Especially when Terra makes a b-line for him (they're not on good terms).
Meowing - rarely when the other cats are around. Quite often while out walking him.

So what noises do your cats produce? I'm especially interested if anyone else has a Savannah that never hisses.


Staff member
Mrrrrr; mraaaap; snake hissssssssssssssss; owOW; wowwow, maowl; trill; and there are a whole slew of noises they make in their throats that I can't describe in writing -- some are like a hum, some sound like a gargle. I've been teaching Taji to say "mama" and he has it down pretty well:)

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
That "infamous" snake hiss...I swear it is a term that the Animal Planet producers came up to fit the situation on that Cats 101 episode of Savannahs! I know the cat, Mondo was born right here in the room I am sitting in now, and he did not normally hiss that way! He was hissing because they'd decided to film him in the house of the person that found him after that big adventure where he escaped his home and was found five miles away two weeks later. BUT, he was never IN that house...the person that found him fed him in the backyard only as they had an indoor cat. So the producer decided he wanted to revisit the home he was found at, and wanted to film him and they couldn't let him loose in the filmed in the house. Mondo was walking around a strange house willed with the smells of a strange cat while strangers followed with cords and lights and cameras... so he was very on edge and he hissed and hissed long and hard. It is not his normal method of communication by any means!

Beyond the normal kitty noises (purrs, meows, growls, hisses), I have a few with unusual vocalizations. Missy and Nina bark (probably similar to Razi), but Coco is the one with a range of bizarre noises she can make in different situations. It's where her name comes from (Akoko means noisemaker), as a kitten she'd make the weirdest squeals and cries...and that has continued. It's very unusual but not sure it is related to being a Savannah, she's just odd :)


That "infamous" snake hiss...I swear it is a term that the Animal Planet producers came up to fit the situation on that Cats 101 episode of Savannahs! I know the cat, Mondo was born right here in the room I am sitting in now, and he did not normally hiss that way! He was hissing because they'd decided to film him in the house of the person that found him after that big adventure where he escaped his home and was found five miles away two weeks later. BUT, he was never IN that house...the person that found him fed him in the backyard only as they had an indoor cat. So the producer decided he wanted to revisit the home he was found at, and wanted to film him and they couldn't let him loose in the filmed in the house. Mondo was walking around a strange house willed with the smells of a strange cat while strangers followed with cords and lights and cameras... so he was very on edge and he hissed and hissed long and hard. It is not his normal method of communication by any means!

Beyond the normal kitty noises (purrs, meows, growls, hisses), I have a few with unusual vocalizations. Missy and Nina bark (probably similar to Razi), but Coco is the one with a range of bizarre noises she can make in different situations. It's where her name comes from (Akoko means noisemaker), as a kitten she'd make the weirdest squeals and cries...and that has continued. It's very unusual but not sure it is related to being a Savannah, she's just odd :)
Animal Planet... Ugh!!!

The biggest of our 3 kittens does these weird squeal and cry things too... This morning I could have SWORN the neighbors puppy had gotten inside our house, but, no, it was just little Fatty looking for his brother and sister... I have a video of him, somewhere, doing this cute little "cry thing" while "fighting" his brother... I'll try and find it and upload it...

My F2 queen, Karma and her daughter both do the "chirp"... It's SOOOOOOO freaking cute when lil, marble Minou does it!!!


Here it is... He does it at the very end. He kept going, but I pushed stop too early... :(

There's some other interesting Savannah noises in here too!!!

MK Anderson

Keeba makes a chirp noise, meows and purrs. I have only heard Keeba Hiss once when he got startled and jumped 5feet in the air and has only growled once when playing with a toy... It was weird to me too hear those noise come out of him, he so easy going nothing bothers him.

MK Anderson

oh one thing is does do is makes a sigh noise out his nose, it's so funny, its like what ever!


Keljin has a huge variety of sounds.. I'll go from quietest to loudest:

-chirp (or closed mouth meow)
-purr x meow "pprrrrow"
-high pitched "mew mew"
-regular meow
-deep growl
-whining/yelling "WOWWW,WWWOOOOW, MRRROOOOW"