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What to feed him?

Alisha H

Savannah Super Cat
My F3 boy is coming home in 2 weeks. We are super excited and can't wait for his arrival. I've been researching types of food and we just switched our dogs to Blue. Has anyone had any experience with Blue Wilderness for this kittens? The breeder uses Iams and I'm not feeding that to him. Any other suggestions?

MK Anderson

I would continue to feed him the Iams for a little while when you bring him home. He will already be under stress from the move/travel to a new home and you really don't want to stress his system... You need to gradually add in the new food with his current food he is been feed. If you just go and switch it it will cause diarrhea and stomach upset and then you will have a whole new problem on your hands. I have never use Blue before. I do raw


Staff member
I would continue to feed him the Iams for a little while when you bring him home. He will already be under stress from the move/travel to a new home and you really don't want to stress his system... You need to gradually add in the new food with his current food he is been feed. If you just go and switch it it will cause diarrhea and stomach upset and then you will have a whole new problem on your hands. I have never use Blue before. I do raw and a little kibble( royal canine/s.o tho).

I second Mk's suggestion. I have used Blue Wilderness and it is furbies are very picky though and decide after a while they want something else. Just like humans, I guess. they get tired of easting the same thing day after day ;)


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Our F4 will be coming home in 2 weeks also. I will be slowly switching him to what our dog eats also which is Stella and Chewy's prepared raw. My concern is figuring out how much/often to feed him. He will be 13wks old. His breeder is feeding him kibble.


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At Pet Supply in Huntington Beach, CA. I ran into the rep there and talked to him for 45 minutes and he had me convinced to try it. My dog has alot of allergy issues. So far so good and she LOVES it. She never really cared about eating before and now she stands beside me as soon as she hears the bag come out of the freezer!


Staff member
I have seen it at cat shows but will have to do some research on it for the East Coast ;)


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On their website (S&C's) you can put in your city or zip and it lists where you can buy it.