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When is a good age to introduce a kitten to raw food?


Savannah Super Cat
I have a new F2 kitten coming home at 10 weeks, and then an F3 at 12 weeks (4 weeks after the first). When do you suggest it would be appropriate to start introducing them to raw food? I think that they're supposed to start on an Evo canned and I can't remember which kind of kibble.

Our one inside and one outside DSHs have taken to raw pretty well. They don't get it very often though because I haven't started making my own yet. I'll give them Rad Cat and they don't eat so much at a time so I have to buy the 8oz containers. Paying $12/lb for cat food is excruciating!

I'll start making my own soon. Fingers crossed that they'll like it as much as the Rad Cat.


Staff member
With all 3 of mine, I fed them what the breeder was feeding for the first 2 weeks and then slowly started introducing raw. Make sure kittens are showing no adverse effects from adjusting to their new environment -- tummy upset, diarrhea, dehydration -- and are pooping well formed stools before introducing new food.


Savannah Super Cat
My breeder has them already eating raw here and there and they're a little over 9 weeks old. When I get them we will try feeding exactly what the breeder fed for a month or more and since that includes raw, I'll be very careful to replicate what she did or just decide to try after the one month mark.


Staff member
My breeder has them already eating raw here and there and they're a little over 9 weeks old. When I get them we will try feeding exactly what the breeder fed for a month or more and since that includes raw, I'll be very careful to replicate what she did or just decide to try after the one month mark.
Mine were also eating a little raw before they came home and it made it really easy to transition to all raw. All of my cats started eating only the raw and leaving the canned after just a few days home. They were all such easy babies. I was very fortunate.


Savannah Super Cat
My vet told me not to introduce them until they were a year. That was for my bengals and Savannahs. Since that I've learned from others that there isn't too soon to introduce your new kitten to raw. Vets seem to be anti raw still.. At least ones I have spoken too


Savannah Super Cat
Many are indeed! They are starting to change that point of view as obesity and a diabetes is rampant now with cats and dogs. Gee, doesn't that sound familiar? Can processed food ever be better than the real thing?