Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Whole Prey


Staff member
Ok, I have a problem...I mistakenly introduced Ixas and Cinny to whole prey! Zuri is already an addict ;)

Cinny goes to great lengths to find her quail...Cinny went into the garbage that was tied up and ready to go out the door, somehow grabbed the plastic bag the quail came in and ran off with it - Ixas and Zuri following behind...

What do to with these whole prey addicts??? :roflmao:


Staff member
Honestly, I can't believe it took Cinny so long to discover the joys of the garbage! Your cats are so much better behaved than mine! :roflmao:


Staff member
Well, they are well behaved for the most part, but Cinny is a little devil :cat: She finds those quail or quail empty bags no matter where I hide them...and then she walks around with the empty plastic bag or full bag growling...she is definitely a character...I don't think I have ever heard a growl or hiss out of Ixas...must be a girlie thing :p